- 246
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- 1970-1-1
楼主 |
发表于 2010-12-15 04:56:53
本帖最后由 黑暗枪骑兵 于 2010-12-14 19:07 编辑
第二部分- 001 $anull = null
- 002 if $ship == null
- 003 $ship = [PLAYERSHIP]
- 004 $yield = 1
- 005 end
- 006
- 007 $flags = [Find.Enemy] | [Find.Random]
- 008 skip if $ship != $anull
- 009 $ship = [PLAYERSHIP]
- 010 skip if $yield != null
- 011 $yield = 1
- 012 $sec = $ship -> get sector
- 013 $installed = $ship -> get current missile
- 014 skip if $installed != null
- 015 return $anull
- 016 $ship -> set fire missile time difference to 1 ms
- 017 skip if $yield != 0
- 018 $yield = 999
- 024
- 025 $flags = [Find.Enemy] | [Find.Multiple]
- 026 $earray = find ship: sector=$sec class or type=Ship race=null flags=$flags refobj=$ship maxdist=$range maxnum=100 refpos=$anull
- 027
- 028 $asize = size of array $earray
- 029 $stasize = size of array $earray
- 030
- 031 $msg = sprintf: pageid=8815 textid=2, $installed, $asize, null, null, null
- 032 if $asize == 1
- 033 $t = $earray[0]
- 034 $msg = sprintf: pageid=8815 textid=2, $installed, $t, null, null, null
- 035 end
- 036 skip if $asize == 0
- 037 display subtitle text: text=$msg duration=4000 ms
- 038
- 039 $orace = $target -> get owner race
- 040
- 041 $target -> set attacker to $ship
- 042 $race = $target -> get owner race
- 043 $gv = $race + 'lv.med.ai.ar'
- 044 $global = get global variable: name=$gv
- 045
- 046 if $global == null
- 047 if $race != null
- 048 $store = array alloc: size=0
- 049 append $target to array $store
- 050 set global variable: name=$gv value=$store
- 051 end
- 052 end
- 053
- 054
- 055 while $yield > 0
- 056 while $asize > -1
- 057 $spc = $ship -> get shield percent
- 058 skip if $spc > 30
- 059 return $anull
- 060 $target = $earray[$asize]
- 061 if $target != $anull
- 062 $tobj = $target -> get object class
- 063 $ybchk = $ship -> get amount of ware $installed in cargo bay
- 064 if $ybchk == 0
- 065 = speak text: page=13 id=135 priority=0
- 066 return $anull
- 067 end
- 068 $holo.on = get global variable: name='lv.m.hol'
- 069 if $holo.on == 1
- 070 $task = $ship -> get next available task: starting=1
- 071 $ship ->
复制代码 |