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本帖最后由 尼奇怪 于 2011-4-27 16:38 编辑
以下是我用kepler轨道改编的,不过怎么画出来都觉得不像进动轨道……- from pylab import *
- import matplotlib as mpl
- from math import sqrt, pi
- from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d, Axes3D
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- class Mecury():
- def __init__(self, initx=0.47, inity=0, initvx=0, initvy=8.2, dt=0.001, powerlaw=2., alpha=0.008, outputfile=''):
- self.dt=dt
- self.beta=powerlaw
- self.alpha=alpha
- self.filename=outputfile
- self.calculate(sqrt(initx*initx+inity*inity), initx, inity, initvx, initvy, 0.)
- self.dth=0.
- def stepOne(self, r, x, y, vx, vy, t):
- r=sqrt(x*x+y*y)
- vx=vx-(4*pi*pi*x*self.dt)/r**(self.beta+1)/(1+self.alpha/r**(self.beta))
- vy=vy-(4*pi*pi*y*self.dt)/r**(self.beta+1)/(1+self.alpha/r**(self.beta))
- x=x+vx*self.dt
- y=y+vy*self.dt
- t=t+self.dt
- return r, x, y, vx, vy, t
- def calculate(self, r, x ,y ,vx, vy, t):
- self.data=[(r, x,y,vx,vy,t)]
- while t<100:
- r, x, y, vx, vy, t=self.stepOne(r, x ,y ,vx, vy, t)
- self.data.append((r, x,y,vx,vy,t))
- if self.filename!='':
- self.store()
- def store(self):
- pass
- def plotMecury(self, figType=1):
- x=[]; y=[]; z=[0.]; vx=[]; vy=[]; t=[]; r=[]; xp=[]; yp=[]; k=[]
- for i in range(5000):
- (r1, x1, y1, vx1, vy1, t1)=self.data[i]
- x.append(x1); y.append(y1); vx.append(vx1); vy.append(vy1)
- t.append(t1); z.append(0.); r.append(r1)
- if i>2:
- dr1=r[i-1]-r[i-2]
- dr2=r[i]-r[i-1]
- if dr1>0 and dr2<0:
- xp.append(x[i-1])
- yp.append(y[i-1])
- m=len(self.data)
- if figType==1:
- plot(x,y)
- plot(0,0,'r*')
- for j in range(len(xp)):
- plot([0,xp[j]], [0,yp[j]],'k-')
- xlim(-0.55,0.55)
- ylim(-0.55,0.55)
- show()
- else:
- fig=plt.figure()
- ax=Axes3D(fig)
- ax.plot(x[0:m], y[0:m], z[0:m], label='Kepler')
- ax.legend()
- plt.show()
- def plotPrecessionrate(self, figType=1):
- x=[]; y=[]; z=[0.]; vx=[]; vy=[]; t=[]; r=[]; xp=[]; yp=[]; tp=[]; k=[];
- theta=[]; th=0.; dth=0.#dth=[]
- for i in range(3000):
- (r1, x1, y1, vx1, vy1, t1)=self.data[i]
- x.append(x1); y.append(y1); vx.append(vx1); vy.append(vy1)
- t.append(t1); z.append(0.); r.append(r1)
- if i>2:
- dr1=r[i-1]-r[i-2]
- dr2=r[i]-r[i-1]
- if dr1>0 and dr2<0:
- xp.append(x[i-1])
- yp.append(y[i-1])
- tp.append(t[i-1]-0.24500000000000019)
- m=len(self.data)
- n=len(xp)
- if figType==1:
- for j in range(n):
- k.append(yp[j]/xp[j])
- theta.append((180/pi)*(arctan((k[0]-k[j])/(1+k[0]*k[j]))))
- for l in range(n-1):
- th=th+theta[l+1]/tp[l+1]
- dth=th/n
- print theta
- print tp
- print dth
- #print th
- #print theta[0]/tp[0]
- plot(tp,theta)
- #plot(0,0,'r*')
- xlim(0,3)
- ylim(0,20)
- show()
- else:
- fig=plt.figure()
- ax=Axes3D(fig)
- ax.plot(x[0:m], y[0:m], z[0:m], label='Kepler')
- ax.legend()
- plt.show()
- #return dth
- def calculatedth(self, figType=1):
- x=[]; y=[]; z=[0.]; vx=[]; vy=[]; t=[]; r=[]; xp=[]; yp=[]; tp=[]; k=[];
- theta=[]; th=0.; dth=0.#dth=[]
- for i in range(3000):
- (r1, x1, y1, vx1, vy1, t1)=self.data[i]
- x.append(x1); y.append(y1); vx.append(vx1); vy.append(vy1)
- t.append(t1); z.append(0.); r.append(r1)
- if i>2:
- dr1=r[i-1]-r[i-2]
- dr2=r[i]-r[i-1]
- if dr1>0 and dr2<0:
- xp.append(x[i-1])
- yp.append(y[i-1])
- tp.append(t[i-1]-0.24500000000000019)
- m=len(self.data)
- n=len(xp)
- if figType==1:
- for j in range(n):
- k.append(yp[j]/xp[j])
- theta.append((180/pi)*(arctan((k[0]-k[j])/(1+k[0]*k[j]))))
- for l in range(n-1):
- th=th+theta[l+1]/tp[l+1]
- self.dth=th/n
- def calculaterate():
- listalpha=[]
- listdth=[]
- list1=[0,1,2,4,8,16]
- rate=0.
- for k in range(6):
- list1[k]=0.0002*list1[k]
- c=Mecury(alpha=list1[k])
- c.calculatedth()
- listalpha.append(c.alpha)
- #print c.alpha
- listdth.append(c.dth)
- #print c.dth
- print listalpha,listdth
- plot(listalpha, listdth, 'ro')
- for m in range(5):
- rate+=listdth[m+1]/listalpha[m+1]
- drate=rate/6
- print drate
- show()
- a=Mecury(alpha=0.01)
- a.plotMecury()
- #b=Mecury(alpha=0.0008)
- #b.plotPrecessionrate()
- #calculaterate()
复制代码 最终成品:
看起来好圆,好假,而且运算出来的进动角速度和理论值差了25%…… |