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[转帖] [script] Universe Explorers v2.4.0: Update Sep 5(内附中文介绍)

发表于 2011-7-13 08:50:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-7-13 08:50 编辑

Universe Explorers v2.4.0

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Do you fancy a career in freedom? Join Legitimate Enterprises, Inc. today! We provide you a small fighter and just ask to know what you have found in your journeys. Merely sign below and your path to freedom will begin.

The universe explorer scripts allow you to hire a pilot to automatically explore the universe for you. These explorers will gain experience and skills as they traverse the universe to open up new methods of finding unexplored sectors, and more. There are 24 levels in all which are explained in more detail below.

AP Libraries by 7ate9tin11s of at least r1 for common functions
Community Configuration Menu by Cycrow to use menus and configure options.


Version 2.4.0
ZIP, SPK and AP Libraries can be found at:

Anyone may host any of my files anywhere they wish, just please keep them up to date with new releases in this thread!

New in 2.4.0!

    AL Library Check - UX will now make sure you have the required library files installed before activating, this should prevent the masses of beacons when the libraries are missing.

    Bug fixes - A variety of small bug fixes have been applied. survivability should also be slightly higher, but they still die fast when doing certain activities. I have an idea to improve survivability, but it could very well backfire  


    Player owned M3, M4, M5, and Goner Rangers may hire a pilot by choosing "Start Universe Explorer..." from the navigation commands. The ship must be equipped with Explorer Command Software.

    If an explorer enters a sector marked as 'Foe' in their ships friend/foe settings they will retreat and try to find a different unknown sector. I always put pirates as Foe so they survive.

    As the pilot gains experience they will learn methods to increase the speed of exploring a sector. As with the original Explore Sector command the speed of the scan is very dependent on the installed scanners and speed of the ship.

    With experience comes more methods of finding unexplored sectors, everything from random known gate wandering to using the players satellite network to communicating with other ships to get directions can eventually be used.

    Explorers will automatically begin to build up the players satellite network, if one is not in place already. They will also maintain the players satellite network when they notice missing satellites. This feature and the type(s) of satellites used can be toggled in the community menu.

    Experience also brings wisdom, the pilot will purchase wares needed to explore more efficiently and, eventually, will just order in wares to the edges of space so they never have to stop exploring. Then again their new addiction to exploring is just as bad as their old space weed/fuel addictions due to the 10% delivery surcharge!

    While Cartographers (level 20) are very efficient at exploring the universe, an explorer can join the ranks of the Goner if certain conditions are met and work their way up to being a Priest (level 24) with full access to the Goner universe guide to aid in finding those last few sectors.

    Universe explorers can be moved between ships using the 'Move Universe Explorer Pilot...' command under the 'Start Universe Explorer...' command in the navigation commands menu.

    As they gain experience your explorers will learn to defend themselves by noticing enemies and purchasing items for their defense.

    Those lucky enough to get high level explorers will see them use jump drives to traverse the universe to quickly replace satellites or find new sectors.

    Your explorers will now drop short-lived beacons in sectors that they find dangerous to prevent other explorers from entering those sectors.

    Any ship owned by the player with Navigational Command Software installed can drop a permanent navigational warning beacon to prevent explorers from entering a sector. Elena's Fortune in XTM is a good example sector for this. The command can be found under in your Navigational commands menu and these beacons cost 2000 credits to pay for the permits and raw materials needed.

    Ships with the default "Your ShipType" will be renamed to "Explorer ShipType" automatically as the explorer software runs. Changing the name of the ship will prevent this.

    Satellite Deployment Options - You can choose to deploy a single satellite in the center of the sector, enough to cover every gate, and/or enough to cover every station. The options can be mixed and matched to fit your needs.

    Ship Capturing - Instead of flying out to capture those empty ships your explorers find, they will do it for you. Yes, they even take the spacewalk and risk death...though probably for the bonus finders fee they get!

    Finders Fees - Explorers get paid a small finders fee for things they find, this fee increases as the explorers level and can be seen in the statistics tracking.

    Statistics Tracking - By using the menu you can see the complete statistics of any of your explorers. Everything from sectors discovered to flying wares sighted...including how much they have earned in finder fees and how much of your money they have used in buying ship upgrades.

    Notification Options - You can choose which types of notifications will be sent to you from the possibilities of voice, logbook, and subtitle.

    Pilot Ejection - Pilots have an increasing chance to eject before their ship is destroyed as they level up. To use an ejected pilot just have one of your ships pick them up and then:
    1. If the new explorer vessel or the ship with the pilot has a transporter device installed, just start the explorer command on the new ship when it is within 5km of the other ship and the pilot will be transfered over automatically.
    2. If both the ship carrying the passenger and a new explorer are docked in the same place the pilot will jump into the ship instead of making a new pilot.
    3. If you transfer the pilot to a new explorer and start exploring he will take the pilots seat.
    4. If the pilot is docked at your your ship that is holding the pilot they will also pilot any newly starting explorer.

    There is currently no way to replace an existing explorer with an ejected pilot, you will need a new ship for them!

    Wanderlust - Pilots will slowly build up stress if they stay in the same areas until they just have to get away and go hopping to some other part of the universe. The more stress they have the more chance they will buy recreational stress relievers too.

Change Log
9/5/2009 - version 2.4.0
1. Bug fixes, untested startup check for AP libraries.
8/5/2009 - version 2.3.0
1. M3 fighters can now use explorer commands
2. Mineral, Duplex, and Triplex scanners now always used if present
3. Player can prioritize the four major functions of Satellites, Asteroids, Exploring, and Buying
4. No bugs to fix...  
6/23/2009 - version 2.2.0
1. Pilot ejection and recovery
2. wanderlust
3. Fixes for major idle loop bugs
6/18/2009 - version 2.1.2
1. Pathing calculations script fixed
2. Improved buying routines
3. Added sanity/sanitizer to locator controller script
4. Improved behaviour when using information by other ships
5. Explorers communicating with goner owned ships now get goner db access no matter their level
6. Sat deployment scripts no longer drop a random station from the list
7. Explorers using the sat network will now notice empty areas and go fill them
8. Smart pathing libraries now usable by non-player races
9. Consolidated libraries and removed old or unused libraries
6/16/2009 - version 2.1.1
1. Rewrote remote buying wrapper for 2.1 compatability
2. Rewrote smart jumper for 2.1 compatability
3. Rewrote single ware buyer for 2.1 compatability
4. Added exploration database, related menu items, and gate peeking.
5. Misc bug fixes relating to pathing and enemy sectors
5/29/2009 - version 2.1.0
1. Rewrote large portions for use with menus and new options
2. Added ship capturing, gate and station satellite deployments, statistics tracking, micropayments, and some small bug fixes here and there.
5/27/2009 - version 2.0.1
1. Added in al startup script that was forgotten -_-;;
2. Removed colored ship names so log messages work
5/26/2009 - version 2.0.0
1. First public release.
2. New spiral search method compared to old x3r version which, while slower, is much better at finding everything possible.
3. All BBS abilities from x3r version removed.

Technical Details
Command slot used: COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_31
Command slot used: COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_32
Command slot used: COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_33
Text File Used: 8971-L044 Feel free to translate it!
Text ID Used: 8971

Warning: If you are watching your explorer on the sector map they will only gain xp from placing satellites or scanning asteroids because the game engine marks found objects as known before the script can 'find' them. So stop micromanaging if you want them to level!  

Marked as spoiler for those that don't want to know how to power-level their explorers  

Discovering a sector - 6 xp
Discovering a sector owned by 'Unknown Race' - 40 xp
Discovering a station - 1 xp
Discovering a gate - 2 xp
Scanning an asteroid with >25 resource - 1 xp
Scanning an asteroid with Nvidium - 100 xp
Placing a satellite in a sector without one - 1 xp
Explorers also have a chance of gaining 1xp upon entering any sector, this change decreases as their level increases.

So sectors with lots of stations are the best way to level up your little explorer and, later in life, asteroids add up quickly. Eventually the entire universe will be known though and level progression, besides satellite replacement and very minor movement experience, will come to an end.

Level/Upgrade Chart

Lvl - Upgrade
01 - Random wandering search, Slow spiral exploration, Navigational Command Software, Shields
03 - Smart wandering search, Duplex Scanner
05 - Gate corners faster search method
07 - Remember passed unexplored sectors, Triplex Scanner, Fight Command Mk 1, missile purchases, plot flying wares
09 - Micro-sector fast search, Communicate with other ships to learn route to their destination
10 - Fight Command Mk 2, Fighter Drones
13 - 1 Sector Satellite Network Usage, Mineral Scanner, No more addiction
15 - 2 Sector SatNet Usage, Delivery Service, small Goner rep gain for discoveries
17 - 3 Sector SatNet Usage, Video Enhancement Goggles
19 - 4 Sector SatNet Usage, more Goner rep for discoveries
21 - 5 Sector SatNet Usage, Communicate with goner ships for route to unknown areas
23 - Jumpdrive
24 - Access to Goner universe maps to know how to get to remaining unknown sectors, but the player cannot know until you visit them!

Rank Names

1 Goner Reject
3 Traveler
5 Journeyer
7 Finder
9 Explorer
11 Adventurer
13 Discoverer
15 Pioneer
17 Scout
19 Cartographer
21 Believer
22 Disciple
23 Missionary
24 Priest

Special Requirements for Final 4 Ranks

21 - Must have communicated with a Goner Ship and been 'converted'
22 - Must have found a sector owned by Unknown race
23 - Must have a Jumpdrive equipped
24 - Must have found a Nvidium asteroid

Known Bugs
Please note that response to bug and feature requests may be slow since I am rather busy and download statistics show this script has only a minor following
1. Level 23+ explorers in ships that do not hold enough energy for jumping a decent distance will wander into their endpoint sector without checking to see if it is an enemy sector...consider them self absorbed or something  
2. Restricted sectors are still thought of as friendly until the explorer is attacked

Planned Features
1. Your idea here!

No known conflicts at this time. Please report any you notice since I play a rather clean game with few mods.

Used Script Credits

    The astar routine used in the ap libraries for safe travel are adapted from the originals by AalaarDB, as I could not find a valid copy for TC I ported them. They have also been altered to disallow travel through sectors that are not yet known, belong to an enemy race, or have a navigational warning beacon.

    Some sector scanning code was adapted from a Xai corporation script, though it is so heavily modified by now it is almost unrecognizable...I forget what script it came from, may have been the x3r bonus pack.

Thanks to
DannyD & Life Bringer - For an Italian translations of the text file
Egosoft - For a game that is highly modable
 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-13 08:50:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-7-13 08:53 编辑



名稱:Universe Explorers (宇宙探險者)
製作人:7ate9tin11s, Razz(tester?)
前置script:AP Libraries r2 (7ate9tin11s為自己製作的scripts "Improved Races, Security Services, 及Universe Explorers"準備的Libraries) http://www.filefront.com/14265253/AP%20Libraries%20r2.spk
及Community Plugin Configuration (社群插件目錄) http://game.ali213.net/viewthrea
Egosoft forum連結:http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=248033
介紹翻譯:你對自由、無盡的X宇宙的邊際感到興奮,欲一探究竟嗎?加入合法企業公司(Legitimate Enterprises, Inc.)吧!我們會提供小型飛船給參加者,而相對的,你要將一路上的所見所聞通報給我們...
能於裝有Explorer Command Software的M5-M3戰機或Goner Ranger運行navigation command > Start Universe Explorer...以開始任務;
啟用Universe Explorer的飛船,名稱會由"Your ..."變成"Explorer...";
每發現一樣新事物,機師都會得到獎金Finders Fees,金額隨等級上升;
玩家能透過Statistics Tracking查看探險者的獎金收入與升級支出;
透過Notification Options設定探險者匯報發現的方式(語音、字幕、編進logbook內)
當探險者升級後,他能學會提升探索星系的速度。這比原遊戲依賴掃描器質素及飛船速度的指令來的有效、也會學會更多的方法以知曉未知星系的存在(如透過衛星與其他飛船溝通以發現新的跳躍門)、懂得更好地保護自身及通報同伴(投放短暫型浮標警告同伴有危機)、以Jumpdrive穿梭X宇宙、更高機率地實行跳船逃生(Pilot Ejection),等玩家救援及給予新船...(原文有更詳細介紹,我不作翻譯了);
玩家也能投放永久型的浮標(每個收費2k credits及小量珍貴物質)以阻止宇宙探險者進入個別星系;
探險者會自動為玩家設置/投放衛星於新到訪的星系內(於社群插件目錄的Satellite Deployment Options中設定衛星型號、數目、佈局);
能以navigation command > Move Universe Explorer Pilot...為探險者轉換座駕;
長期的無人生活會使探險者壓力上升,患上Wanderlust(漫遊症),要購入recreational stress reliever(消遣減壓劑)平衡心理。

發現新星系能得到 6 xp
發現未知種族的星系能得到 40 xp
發現新太空站能得到 1 xp
發現新跳躍門能得到 2 xp
發現產量達25的礦石星能得到 1 xp
發現Nvidium礦石星能得到 100 xp
在沒衛星的星系設立第一顆衛星能得到 1 xp
隨機有進行已知星系時能得到 1 xp
01 - 隨機蜿蜒地搜尋、緩慢地以螺旋線式搜尋、能使用程式:Navigation Command Software、防禦網
03 - 更聰明地蜿蜒搜尋、能使用儀器:Duplex Scanner
05 - 能更快速地搜尋跳躍門
07 - 會記下未搜尋的星系、能使用儀器:Triplex Scanner、能使用程式:Fight Command Mk1、會購入導彈/飛船升級組件
09 - 能更快地遊歷小型星系、懂得與其他探險者交流航線
10 - 能使用程式:Fight Command Mk 2、會購入無人戰鬥機
13 - 能每次佈置一顆衛星、能使用儀器:Mineral Scanner、不會再沉迷於消遣減壓劑?
15 - 能每次佈置兩顆衛星、會使用郵購服務、發現新事物能增加小量與Goner的聲譽
17 - 能每次佈置三顆衛星、能使用儀器:Video Enhancement Goggles
19 - 能每次佈置三顆衛星、發現新事物能所增加的Goner族聲譽調高
21 - 能每次佈置三顆衛星、能與Goner通訊以獲得隱秘星系路線
23 - 能使用儀器:Jumpdrive
24 - 能與連接上Goner星河圖以發現終極隱秘星系
01 Goner Reject (Goner外部人)
03 Traveler (旅行者)
05 Journeyer (遊歷者)
07 Finder (調查者)
09 Explorer (探險者)
11 Adventurer (冒險者)
13 Discoverer (發現者)
15 Pioneer (拓荒者)
17 Scout (斥候)
19 Cartographer (製圖師)
21 Believer (信徒),與Goner接觸時獲得
22 Disciple (門徒),需發現不明種族的星系
23 Missionary (傳教士),需裝有Jumpdrive
24 Priest (祭司),需找到Nvidium礦材星

23級以上的Universe Explorer在沒足夠energy cells作超空間跳躍時會反過來以蜿蜒的航線前往目的地,當中更會穿過敵對種族的星系;

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-7-14 22:45:39 | 显示全部楼层
好东西哦 起码感觉在X Universe里不再孤单了

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-8-23 16:18:52 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-12-28 22:55:34 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-12-29 22:15:47 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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