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发表于 2011-9-24 22:12:25
本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-9-24 23:30 编辑
As VincentTH pointed out, there were two more pages, which i had missed, heres the second one, From which i start to get the feeling we may be in one ship throughtout the game but that, that one is upgradeable.
Krawall.de: At which place have you had a clearing-out session?
Bernd Lehan: In addition I may not say yet too much. An example: Earlier one could steer the Capital-Ships even from the bridge. There will be this no more. These were play contents which have simply done no big fun. Clear, it was cool. At that time exactly this has brought us also to do it. But, in the end, it was something, which to see only a small part of the players generally has ever agreed, and those which have come so far have done it then also not too long. We have such things this time just not including.
Krawall.de: Why you have selected yourselves exactly this time to venture a new start. Was there there last the feeling, the row would be taken up no more completely so warmly by the fans? There were also a few problems with bugs …
Bernd Lehan: Oh well, maybe … I believe, latter was much worse with "Reunion". We had to finish this at that time under such pressure of time. You can never optimize of course 100% everything in such a way as you want it, but with "Reunion" was already a real problem. We have done the whole play within one year. A year! And the company was big there half as as now.
Today we are 20 people what festival employee concerns in Aachen. After international standards we are still very small, but for us this is gigantic.
Krawall.de: What you have also reworked, are the user interface and the play entrance. This should become more simply accessible everything. If your fans must immediately be worried that you trim the play „ at mass market “ or it – oh God! – appears even for console?
Bernd Lehan: No, it does not come for console. It is complicated simply less, not less complicated. But I cannot expect from everybody that he sits down like the hardcore fans and studies for the moment dozens sides in the manual. One should play a play and must not learn.
The play entrance should fall in "Rebirth" lighter. However, all-clear for Hardcore-Zocker: In the complexity it was not saved according to Lehan.
Krawall.de: Thus, plainly: You did not have to drive back the complexity at all? Not even a little bit?
Bernd Lehan: The play has become even complicated in many areas. I have just already indicated it: With the construction is that what you can build now, not at all comparably with him what was possible in earlier parts. This has become much more complicated.
Also with the Capital-Ships, by the way – that there is still, one steers them only no more directly from the bridge. What is there, no comparison is likewise too former. Not only in graphic regard, but in view of the functions of the ships. We distribute now, however, for instance, better, while we do not kill the player immediately with the whole range of the play.
Instead, we switch all that better steered bit by bit freely and introduce the player also about the story missions better in the universe and his possibilities.
Krawall.de: A word: Multiplayer?
Bernd Lehan: No.
Krawall.de: No? Again?
Bernd Lehan: We have this thought always in the back of the head. We would do loving with pleasure a kind of MMO. But this is not up to now simply realizable.
Krawall.de: Not even in the small frame? So two, three, four … sixteen players in a kind of Koop mode or such?
Bernd Lehan: We have often thought about a smaller solution, some good ideas also had there certainly, but, unfortunately, the answer had to be: Now not.
Krawall.de: Is there an innovation in the play about which the fans can already be glad? Something that they have always demanded and agree now, finally?
This time there will not be a multiplayer also. For it one promises a being tight history.
Bernd Lehan: Yes, something. But also this is still under fastener. Maybe so much: The detailed degree of own ship, as one steers it what happens in it and what one can do there this is something new, and with it we fulfil wishes which were often expressed in the past, I think. In addition we will also say surely soon more.
Krawall.de: Has the main focus of the play moved in one or other direction? Are there, for example, in the story more missions rich in action which appeal to new players maybe rather?
Bernd Lehan: The plot is nice and is important, just for new beginners. Whether his main focus, however, now in the fight or in the construction has … I could not exactly say at the moment yet sometimes. We just want to reach also that all Gameplay areas are great fun, no matter whether trade, construction or fight. They are only brought together by the story missions to tell a being tight history. Thus I see this. Of course this does to us an amount of work, of course we present ourselves a lot of trouble to tell nicely. But just the X fans say to us: „ Yes, nicely, but the plot goes only 10 to 20 hours.
So, do not buy I, nevertheless, the play. “ One must understand there that we are nowadays really a special case. With our play are 100-hour useful life and more not the exception, but the rule. 20 hours which the plot takes of it do not fall for most players at all in the weight. And otherwise everybody can freely decide where he puts his main focus. At the end of the history the player will dismiss still in the free universe – and then it goes off only properly.
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