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[转帖] [转帖]重生资料汇总....未完成....待续

发表于 2011-9-24 21:28:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-9-25 00:21 编辑



OK, there's a world of speculation in the announcement thread. Let's see if we can gather the points we actually know here. And what has been near as damn it confirmed. And ones that have been pretty strongly hinted at.

I'll maintain the lists below as more come out.

Not interested in wild speculation! Just things that are fairly clear. Due to that, I'm looking for supporting quotes and details on the source. I'll start with a list and post links to the source quotes.

Links to the (current) main sources of info:

Annoucement thread   本站转帖已翻译
Second announcement thread   基本同上一贴
Deepsilver's X-Rebirth site   长得像官网
X-Rebirth on Facebook   Facebook上的....
Teaser Trailer (downloadable)   说是下载~~可是我连不上

Interview with Bernd on Krawall Gaming Network's website, translated by Legionnaire (using a translator)

Page 1    5楼
Page 2    6楼
Page 3    7楼

Video interview from FedCon (translated by N.Y.X)    8楼
O:T thread with some pearls from Apoch!

X-Universe News 43    已翻译

X-Universe News 44    重要部分已译

Translation of a Russian interview with Bernd    9楼

English (google) translation of a German online article about X-Rebirth
Original German
There is a suggestion that SETA is dead!!

Video from Gamescon Courtesy of ShotglassSam (video), EuRoKa & mrscribbler (translation & subtitles)
Interview with Bernd by PC Games (translated by Google) page 1 & page 2 and tech details

Not sure if it's new, but there's a picture of the player ship on the Egosoft X:Rebirth page

Polish preview from GRY Online (courtesy of Skeeter)

Is this the Co-Pilot? The German forum announcement thread suggests it is. This was at the Gamescon event.

A site with all the screen shots, vids, etc, gathered together, courtesy of Commander SAMU

::This may take some time::     


[Edit  1] Mods - hope this thread is sufficiently different to justify being a separate topic and not get merged...
[Edit  2] Any help digging out links appreciated Especially any facts from the O:T thread in which Apoch has posted a few things...
[Edit  3] Added links to the main info sources
[Edit  4] Added quote from Bernd confirming it's still a sandbox...
[Edit  5] Added link to the new X-Universe News
[Edit  6] Added link to Bernd clarifying - no directly piloting capital ships
[Edit  7] Added details from deleted quotes from the KGN interview
[Edit  8] Added info about the ore refinery module from X-News 44
[Edit  9] Added a bit of info from the Russian interview with Bernd
[Edit 10] Added a link to a German interview (and google English translation) to an online article about Rebirth written as if they had talked to Bernd (but not actually quoting an interview)
[Edit 11] Added links to video & interview from Gamescon, a link to Ego's main X:Rebirth page (picture of the one playership), plus a link to a fan site from Commander SAMU where he gathers most/all of the released screen shots/vids.
[Edit 12] Put a load more info in from the Gamescon interview
[Edit 13] Put a link in to Polish preview - GRY Online preview (courtesy of Skeeter) and to the image possibly of the co-pilot


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roro + 1 这么晚了辛苦辛苦


发表于 2011-9-24 21:31:30 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-24 21:42:38 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-9-24 22:40 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-24 22:01:36 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-24 22:02:10 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-9-24 22:53 编辑

Is this the Co-Pilot? The German forum announcement thread suggests it is. This was at the Gamescon event.

Playership may be the AP Gunner
an old, battered ship with a glorious past

And the screenshot on the main ego X:Rebirth page

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-24 22:06:02 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-9-24 23:27 编辑

Thanks for the link X2-Eliah, now i just have to hope someone will be willing to translate it into English and others will possibly want other languages as well, hopefully someone who speaks both German and English can let us know if theres any new information in the interview, and if so what.


Edit, forgot i had ImTranslator installed in Firefox, I've just run it through that, heres the translation as it gives it. (dont think its close to perfect, but might give an idea.

Once, there they were real great moments of the computer game: the gigantic, complicated space simulations in which the player with his spaceship did trade Convoys protected and pirates to dust zerschoss. However, titles like "Privateer" and "élite" stand, in the meantime, only in the fame halls of the play industry, carefully illuminated in small glass glass cabinets. At least we fancy thus the fame halls of the play industry. Bit by bit they have gone everything of us.

What remained, were the MMOG "Eve Online" and "X". The space series from Germany, formerly still as an "élite clone" stamped, is, in the meantime, the last big standard representative for solo pilots. And even there it had become very quiet since "X3 : Terren Conflict". How turns out now, however because developer Egosoft could take from himself the time to build up his play row entirely anew.

The new part which should come in the end of this year already on the market calls "X Rebirth" accordingly. To see a lot there was not by the announcement yet. A few seconds of trailer on the Internet, in addition a little more further version which was presented the last week on the science fiction fair "FedCon" to all present Leias, Wookies and Bobba Fets.
We have dripped to us exactly there with standard creator Bernd Lehan to draw of him everything in infos to the new part what was possible without use of force.

Krawall.de: You have said to us at the beginning that you wanted to rework your play for a long time once basically because you could tackle only so a few basic problems in your series, but also in the genre all together. What for problems were this, for instance?

The "X" row celebrated in 1999 her first birth. Now standard creator Bernd Lehan is glad about the "Rebirth".
Bernd Lehan an example is anyway the flight through all. This was up to now always in such a way that one proceeded on a straight line of point A to B, and then one flew just. There was practically nothing to act, one moves just simply by the emptiness of the space. Now we introduce in "Rebirth" new locomotion methods which change this. I cannot describe this yet in detail, but there will be practically the possibility to proceed together with other spaceships on the trip, then to those one must make way, for example, also sometimes and such.
Then this is a little like "GTA" in the space, thus the trip in itself becomes playfully interesting.

Krawall.de: However, I can pull nobody from his spaceship and pinch the mill simply to him …
Bernd Lehan Nein, of course not in the sense of "GTA". In addition, we have also changed an amount of things in detail which prove, however, another picture then in the big whole.

"GTA" in the space? The flight through all should be more interesting playfully than before.

For instance, when and how I get a spaceship what I can do with it et cetera. Up to now it was easy in such a way: We have asked the fans what they wanted to have. And as an answer we agreed: „ More! More! More! A new race! Bigger ships! This and that! “ Thus the row has terrifically developed of course quantitatively, but the play quality became thereby not better. So, it was important, themselves once subjoin and everything on the test bench to put.

Krawall.de: Completely briefly to this new further transaction type: Then one virtually flies in a kind of Weltraumstrasse with other spaceships?
I cannot betray Bernd Lehan Details yet. I believe, in June we will show in addition for the first time something.

Krawall.de: Can one also leave his spaceship?

Bernd Lehan: Yes, but one will be able to walk around not on stations, but rather with other figures interoperate. There is NPCs in quite different Gameplay areas. This is a manager for your factories, pilots et cetera. Instead of digging in dry menus, then one does a lot about dialogs with these figures. The construction part will be much bigger, by the way, than earlier. There we want that the player can also see the effect of his management that that what he produces in his factories also has an effect on the economy in the universe. However, in addition I cannot still betray even more. It is new also that we have a female Co pilot who accompanies the hero.

Krawall.de: The title betrays it: This here is right one of the "Reboots" so popular at the moment, a series-new start?
Bernd Lehan: Yes. It is not "X4", I must say this to the people over and over again clearly.

Krawall.de: Does this signify, you also break a piece far with the old plays? Do her things which you hold no more for contemporary throw?
Bernd Lehan: Yes, clearly. But it is not in such a way that we throw Features because they are to be developed more difficultly.
What we do, is simply newer all around and "cooler". The play has cost us a lot, even more developing expenditure than all previous. With wide.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-24 22:12:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-9-24 23:30 编辑

As VincentTH pointed out, there were two more pages, which i had missed, heres the second one, From which i start to get the feeling we may be in one ship throughtout the game but that, that one is upgradeable.

Krawall.de: At which place have you had a clearing-out session?
Bernd Lehan: In addition I may not say yet too much. An example: Earlier one could steer the Capital-Ships even from the bridge. There will be this no more. These were play contents which have simply done no big fun. Clear, it was cool. At that time exactly this has brought us also to do it. But, in the end, it was something, which to see only a small part of the players generally has ever agreed, and those which have come so far have done it then also not too long. We have such things this time just not including.

Krawall.de: Why you have selected yourselves exactly this time to venture a new start. Was there there last the feeling, the row would be taken up no more completely so warmly by the fans? There were also a few problems with bugs …
Bernd Lehan: Oh well, maybe … I believe, latter was much worse with "Reunion". We had to finish this at that time under such pressure of time. You can never optimize of course 100% everything in such a way as you want it, but with "Reunion" was already a real problem. We have done the whole play within one year. A year! And the company was big there half as as now.
Today we are 20 people what festival employee concerns in Aachen. After international standards we are still very small, but for us this is gigantic.

Krawall.de: What you have also reworked, are the user interface and the play entrance. This should become more simply accessible everything. If your fans must immediately be worried that you trim the play „ at mass market “ or it – oh God! – appears even for console?
Bernd Lehan: No, it does not come for console. It is complicated simply less, not less complicated. But I cannot expect from everybody that he sits down like the hardcore fans and studies for the moment dozens sides in the manual. One should play a play and must not learn.

The play entrance should fall in "Rebirth" lighter. However, all-clear for Hardcore-Zocker: In the complexity it was not saved according to Lehan.

Krawall.de: Thus, plainly: You did not have to drive back the complexity at all? Not even a little bit?
Bernd Lehan: The play has become even complicated in many areas. I have just already indicated it: With the construction is that what you can build now, not at all comparably with him what was possible in earlier parts. This has become much more complicated.
Also with the Capital-Ships, by the way – that there is still, one steers them only no more directly from the bridge. What is there, no comparison is likewise too former. Not only in graphic regard, but in view of the functions of the ships. We distribute now, however, for instance, better, while we do not kill the player immediately with the whole range of the play.

Instead, we switch all that better steered bit by bit freely and introduce the player also about the story missions better in the universe and his possibilities.

Krawall.de: A word: Multiplayer?
Bernd Lehan: No.

Krawall.de: No? Again?
Bernd Lehan: We have this thought always in the back of the head. We would do loving with pleasure a kind of MMO. But this is not up to now simply realizable.

Krawall.de: Not even in the small frame? So two, three, four … sixteen players in a kind of Koop mode or such?
Bernd Lehan: We have often thought about a smaller solution, some good ideas also had there certainly, but, unfortunately, the answer had to be: Now not.

Krawall.de: Is there an innovation in the play about which the fans can already be glad? Something that they have always demanded and agree now, finally?

This time there will not be a multiplayer also. For it one promises a being tight history.

Bernd Lehan: Yes, something. But also this is still under fastener. Maybe so much: The detailed degree of own ship, as one steers it what happens in it and what one can do there this is something new, and with it we fulfil wishes which were often expressed in the past, I think. In addition we will also say surely soon more.

Krawall.de: Has the main focus of the play moved in one or other direction? Are there, for example, in the story more missions rich in action which appeal to new players maybe rather?
Bernd Lehan: The plot is nice and is important, just for new beginners. Whether his main focus, however, now in the fight or in the construction has … I could not exactly say at the moment yet sometimes. We just want to reach also that all Gameplay areas are great fun, no matter whether trade, construction or fight. They are only brought together by the story missions to tell a being tight history. Thus I see this. Of course this does to us an amount of work, of course we present ourselves a lot of trouble to tell nicely. But just the X fans say to us: „ Yes, nicely, but the plot goes only 10 to 20 hours.
So, do not buy I, nevertheless, the play. “ One must understand there that we are nowadays really a special case. With our play are 100-hour useful life and more not the exception, but the rule. 20 hours which the plot takes of it do not fall for most players at all in the weight. And otherwise everybody can freely decide where he puts his main focus. At the end of the history the player will dismiss still in the free universe – and then it goes off only properly.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-24 23:32:15 | 显示全部楼层
And here again not perfectly translated, but enough to get the general idea of whats being said i believe is page 3. Of course i would still prefer someone who is fluent in both German and English to have a go manually translating as they would likely be better at translating things so they read more easily in english.

Krawall.de: You are alone basically on wide hall meanwhile. There is real competition virtually no more. Is that also a reason, why one "gets stuck" maybe light? Because there is no competition which demands one by which one can also orientate himself?
Bernd Lehan: In certain way already. It was of course a home-baked problem of "Space Games" that they have stopped from the play principle on the state of the 90s. Now exactly of it we try to get away. Interaction also signifies to plays always. Now, so, we want that the locomotion becomes in the play an experience and one sails not only from A after B without doing really what. The fact that the fight insists not only on selecting his weapon system, on finding the right timing and on configuring his ship.

Krawall.de: Yes, but where you look if it is a matter of finding inspiration or maybe also a challenge. Then a Shooter designer looks, for example, " Gears of Were “ and says: „ Super, what for cool ideas! But this is still better, this should be different. “ But what do you do?
Bernd Lehan: Yes, they simply have it there of course damn. They look her competition and polish details.
There it is already an innovation if the play has a new kind of Pumpgun. Clear that is more difficult for us. However, on the other hand, one must also see: There has been nothing not already somewhere. Just the science fiction literature is so full of ideas, the whole genre lives on great ideas. Even the play innovations are not often taken there. There one said with us quite fast: „ Oh, oh! You have, Gates' in your plays. Nice from, star gate ’ pinched, what? “.

Krawall.de: Is it more difficult to develop these innovations from itself out without being able to orientate itself by other? Is that maybe also a reason for the shutdown in the genre? When you have started, one could at least even say: "Privateer" and "élite", they are great, thus in the play should possibly be!
Bernd Lehan: One does mistake during the development which one would not maybe have done if they had done other before one. This is supposed also one of the reasons, why we have used four years.

Krawall.de: If we still check off the questions with which we a lot of „ m I say not yet “ expect. What do you betray about the story?
Bernd Lehan: It plays in the future of the X universe.
Between the events in part three and this something has done itself. Among the rest that the gates of the old people which connect different areas of the universe have suddenly shut.
All people always use, indeed, these gates to bridge distances, however, nobody knows how they function. Also nobody knows how one could step with the old people in contact. One knows only that this far advanced race exists, and one supposes that a supernova could be responsible for closing the gates. But one never sees them. Now some regions are completely isolated suddenly, other from important goods cut-off et cetera. One can imagine that that offers many new possibilities for the player.

Krawall.de: However, you do not break with the canon and tell everything anew, ¡á߬«½ý¬« is this sometimes done with Reboots?
Bernd Lehan: No, we have laid only a lot of time between ourselves and the last part to have the necessary freedom in the creation.

Krawall.de: In the video we have seen many different modules in the stations, hothouses and such. Are of all elements with which I come as a player also to contact?
Bernd Lehan: Of course.
This time we have huge space stations which are much richer in detail than everything what there was in the past ever, and which also have to act even more with the economy.

Krawall.de: Examples of that what I can do there everything?
Bernd Lehan: Extremely a lot. Only already as trade runs off now, is absolutely different. Now one must land no more at a place, take up there goods and unload this somewhere else again. Now one flies about the station and has directly the possibility to check his offers. If one builds up his own station, however, one can fly just also about other stations and try to spy out them, while one scans them. Besides, some variations of the Scannens are legal, other illegally, and if one is got with latter, one gets annoyance. Then scanning helps, by the way, also in the fight. Earlier it was same still in such a way that it made no difference where one shot. Today the player can identify important systems and attack tactically wisely.

Krawall.de: Mod-Support is preserved?
Bernd Lehan: Yes, from the principle we want to change in our philosophy nothing. We will openly form the play and also listen to our fans and cooperate with them.
In addition we have created already before long the conditions: with our forums and the Devnet embedded in it about which the users can participate in the development.


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-24 23:36:34 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 0809000 于 2011-9-24 23:37 编辑

Hello everyone! I tried to translate the interview as close to the original as possible. Have fun!

"As said, in the lower corner it always says alpha-footage for a good reason. It is all not finished and therefore has not been published yet, however I’m afraid it has already been filmed, as I can see some lenses. Whatever, you should know it is not finished yet, so a lot of things can still change, but you could see some of the things I have mentioned before. There are very big space stations with a huge number of ships, and rich life and a lot of details and our goal is to bring a certain credibility to that life, that you really have a universe where you experience a life of thousands or even millions of people that all have a daily life and when I do something with them, when I do missions, when I trade with them, when I build stations for them, then I change the universe. In the beginning I can do that on a very low level and later on I can do this to a higher extent. And when I play through the before mentioned plot, so to say the story of the game, it is just an introduction, because we want to keep the sandbox-character of the game, a game where I set my own goals, where I can freely develop, nevertheless the plot is an important beginning and it shall be exciting and great and when it has at some point reached its top, when it has reached its goal, then it releases the player in an even greater universe with more opportunities to change the universe and it is up to the player what he will do next and what kind of goals he will set for himself. They can do the same, as we know it from the preceding games. Ok, actually that’s the end of the presentation. If anyone has a question…. Oh yes, there are a couple of arms raising. Maybe it’s better if you come closer, because I won’t hear you - just a little bit."

-        "Will there be Submenus, like a 3D-Universe map?"

"Well, the details of the user interface can’t be presented at the moment and it’s simply not finished yet, but of course what we try is to establish a totally different sort of user interface, as I have mentioned before. There won’t be menus after menus you have to navigate through, nevertheless there is information to be received. You can call that a menu, but we don’t call it a menu, because it is presented in a different way. It is due to the fact that everything has something to do with humans, who present the information. This changes the way how menus are shown."

-        "Will there be a cockpit-perspective, like in a previous game"  - "like X2?"

"I’m not sure how good the camera has been, that stood over there, so unfortunately yes there is."

-        "For all ship models?"

"No, no, no…  At the moment we can’t speak about it in detail. You must have a little more patience, but not for a very long time. Very soon we will show more, but yes, let’s say there will be one cockpit and this is going to be pretty great and you will see it very soon"

-        "Will it be playable on a Mac or only on a PC?"

"It’s not sure, but it will be playable on a PC (hahaha). I’d like to see it on a Mac, but we haven’t done it ourselves yet, so it is a question what we can manage and at the moment... And if so, than it is going to happen later than in the case of the PC-version."

-        "In the last X-version, there was a script and modding community. Will there be an interface for modding?"

"Oh, I haven’t mentioned that before. Modding in general and not only modding but the cooperation with the community at all has always been important for us. We can’t do it so openly like we’ve done it before in the earlier games, there was a basis, where you not only changed the technology basis, but also the gameplay basis from game to game. Everybody could understand immediately what the changes are and what to work with. The present game is very different and the technologies that are applied in it are different and that’s why we can’t invite Modders and involve the community. But this is definitely our goal. It might be that some things only make sense when the game is published, but we always develop the games further when they have already been published in every kind of way and here it will be the same for the future. I think the lights tell us that we have to leave soon for the next show. Thank you very much and good bye."




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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-24 23:56:16 | 显示全部楼层
supahfly wrote:

1. The X-Games had always have a steep learning curve and were merciless for the beginners. Since nowadays such masochistic (sic!) gameplay as in X-games is not an option new game is going to become more friendly for the beginners. (Am I the only one reading simplification and dumbing down here?)

I agree with you. It sounds good, but everytime I´ve hard about a game at the end it meant "dumbed down because we think gamers are retards"

supahfly wrote:

2. The main idea is "quality over quantity"

3. The number of sectors is going to be smaller but they will be more interesting. Berndt says: "Even though seemingly less diverse our new star systems has more to do and actual freedom will increase."


supahfly wrote:

4. Tactical level of the game is better too: Missions in X-R mostly will have you to interact with huge objects — stations and battleships. In earlier games you had to fly to the object and dive in the menus; now there is more real gameplay to that. For example you'll have to scan the hull of the station of the competing faction to steal their secrets. To sabotage the factory you'll need to place explosives at its manufactory. To deal with the battleship you'll have to destroy her navigational systems. Less factions — tighter relationships, less NPCs — more emotions in the interaction. As a result we will have a decent and meaningful plot.


supahfly wrote:

8. "When close enough to the large ships you will be caught in their gravity and will even flow in its current. The battle will be everchanging when the new larger ships arrive at the battlefield". (To me this sounds really stupid. How large should the ship be to have any impact to speak of on the nearby fighter?)

Are you kidding me? Either that ships are really enermous or this is absurd

supahfly wrote:

9. Game readiness is 50%

What´s the date of that interview? If it´s from this summer i seriously doubt the game will be ready ths year. I hope it´s an old one

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