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[分享] 【115盘 壕沟7DS mod】SOASE_7DS_2.5_BETA_3 for entrenchment壕沟

发表于 2011-12-22 14:14:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 anheimishi 于 2011-12-22 16:49 编辑

http://115.com/file/aq59yg8i#SOASE_7DS_2.5_BETA_3.7z          660.1MB

SOASE_7DS_2.5_BETA_3 for entrenchment    具体哪个版本我也没找到说明,应该是1051版的,大家试试看吧,不好意思哈~~~: )

7 DEADLY SINS is the ultimate original content and combo mod for the award winning PC game Sins of a Solar Empire. With over 30,000 downloads, it is also once of the most popular and most supported. Developed by DANMAN (DANMAN3712) and the 7DS Mod Team, 7 Deadly Sins is all about offering more for your gaming buck. With 7DS, you get new planets, 11 races, new weapon effects, new planet and galaxy textures, new stars, a black hole, and a space graveyard. Each race is unique, with its own stlye of play, including new weapons, ships, research, and a brand new ship class, the TITAN. Races feature the original 3, plus 3 variants, the Rogue who are a class of playable pirates, the Arilou, green UFO guys from the Star Control series, the Kor-Ah, a race bent on exterminating all likfe in the universe, also from the Star Control series, plus the Empire, from Star Wars, and the Atlantians, the race of ancestors. You are urged to download and try out 7 DEADLY SINS, you will be glad you did.

7 Deadly Sins 是备受赞誉的PC游戏太阳帝国原罪的终极mod,由原创内容以及众mod复合而成,拥有超过3W的下载量,一度成为最受瞩目与支持的mod之一。该mod由Danman以及7DS mod组共同开发,旨在带给你更丰富的游戏体验。在7DS中,你将会看到与众不同的行星类型、多达11个各异种族、新的武器特效、全新的行星以及银河贴图、新恒星种类、黑洞以及神秘的宇宙墓地,等待着你去探索和发现。每一个种族都是独一无二的,你需要运用不同的游戏方式来发展,种族特点包括新型武器、飞船以及研究项目,我们还引进了一个全新的飞船级别,泰坦级飞船,希望带给你全新的体验!11个种族除了原先的3个种族类型外,增加了3个原种族的变体类型——Rogue属于可由玩家控制的海盗族,Arilou绿体外星人来自恒星统治族群,Kor-Ah是以消灭宇宙中一切生命为宗旨的种族同样来自于恒星统治族群,此外我们还加入了《星球大战》中的帝国种族以及Atlantians这个远古的种族。看到这里,你一定迫不及待地想要体验7 Deadly Sins了吧,我保证你绝不会失望的!

7DS 2.5 will be available for the Entrenchment expansion for Sins of a Solar Empire.  Also, 7DS can only be played at HIGH maximum settings.  DO NOT USE VERY HIGH settings.  This will cause a minidump.
7DS 2.5将兼容太阳帝国原罪壕沟资料片。要注意的是,7DS最高只能在高特效设置下运行!千万不要设置为极高,这会出错的!

7 Deadly Sins is the combination of other mods along with original content of the 7DS team and my own content.

Here is a list what mods and content are included but are not limited to what 7 Deadly Sins includes:

Sins Plus - By Uzii

Solar Sins - By DANMAN

Sins Enhanced - By Krissem

Bailknights Graphical Mod 1.3 - By Bailknight

WLD Graphical MOD - By Lost WLD

Volumetric Explosions 0.85 - By Mansh00ter

Star Wars (Empire only) - By EvilJedi

Metal Storm - By SpardaSon21

HammerSun Pirate Mod - By HammerSun

UFO Mod - By i Nert

Kreyson's Battlewagons Mod - Kreyson

Sins Sounds - Gurkoz

Sins Music (unreleased) - Gurkoz

Ancient Ones, Atlantians (unreleased) - DANMAN

Star Control / Master of Orion Mod (unreleased) - DANMAN

So, now I know what you want...a list of what YOU, the player, is actaully getting with this mod.  Well, here is a non-inclusive list:

11 Brand new colonizable planet types
Colonizable Gas Giants, with new types of Gas Giants
5 Colonizable Stars - you colonize the moons that orbit them

Over 80 brand new planetary bonuses, including negative ones.

1 New Star - White Star

1 New Super Massive Black Hole - at the center of some solar systems

2 Black Holes - will destroy your ships

2 Nebuleas - complete with baby stars

3 Different Moons, orbiting various planets and Stars

11 Playble Races
TCA - modified TEC, with custom ships
Unity - modified Advent
Dark Fleet - modified Vasari
The Galactic Empire - from Star Wars
The Rogue - Playable, custom pirates
The Arilou - UFO race from the Star Control Games
The Ur-Quan Korh-Ah - Death race from the Star Control games
The Atlantians - the ultimate race, the creators of all humanoid life forms (the gods)

Completely new soundtrack, provided by Gurkoz, Makon, Lucas Arts (Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Game) & (Star Wars), Frank Klpacki (Universe at War Soundtrack),
and Toys for Bob, the developers of Star Control 1 & 2.

Completely new sound effects, provided by Gurkoz, Toys for Bob, and Lucas Arts.

New star color variants with matching skyboxes, provided by the Sins Enhanced mod.

All new weapons, engines, abilities, and explosion effects, provided by Bailknight's Graphical mod, WLD Graphical mod, Volumetric Explosions, and DANMAN.

New classes of ships including:
Light Frigate
Heavy Frigate
Super Crusier
Super Titan

Races now have their own traits that make them more unique, from being a total offensive race, to a highly researching race.  Each race now has its own unique tactics of gameplay.

Same tactics as before
Build "tanks" of ships, and roll over your enemy with firepower and armor strength.
Spread culture even better, and keep enemies at bay with improved beam and shield technology.
Utilize phase missles with reckless abandon, with 60% possible improvement of bypassing shields, amd make use of bigger ships.
Use the power of the Empire, raw power and fear to completely dominate your enemy.
Rob, pilfer, and steal your way to greatness.  The Rogue are a mismash of various stolen technology, and can steal resources, and even other ships.
Not being of this dimension, the Arilou do not rely on money and normal means of transport or construction.  They simply spawn ships from their "motherships",
and travel through Quasispace, which propels them at near instant speeds from planet to planet.
Totally aggressive, the Korh-Ah are built for battle.  They are all offense, and barely any defense.  They focus on exterminating every race and every planet they find,
and almost every ship is capable of boming from orbit.  Their goal is to "cleanse" the universe of all other sentient life, anything that is not an Ur-Quan.
The first humonoid race in existance, they created all others.  They are slit into two sub-species, start with a weaker side.  They rely totally on technology, and is
key to their success and survival.  The Atlantian Player that can access all their research, will be unbeatable late in the game.  They harness many deadly weapons,
including the dreaded Stellar Converter from the Master of Orion games, and can even cause a Super Nova explosion.  Tactics for playing them are research hard and fast,
or your weaker side will be quickly defeated by the other races, who are much stronger in the beginning of the game.  Their weakness is their technology however, and
loss of their research stations will instantly cripple them until they are rebuilt.

Hundreds of custom researches, including those created by DANMAN, HammerSun, and Uzii.

Altered Artifacts, 2 plus the 7 DEADLY SINS of Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride.

Dozens of custom ship models, including those from HammerSun, i Nert, EvilJedi, Kiedjor, DANMAN, and the X3: Reunion development team.

Dozens of new maps, provided by SamazRalan and the 7DS Mod Team.

New opening video and logos, video by SamazRalan, logos by DANMAN.

New loadscreens, menu colors, and characters, provided by Uzii, Gihren, and DANMAN.

Custom HUD displays for the custom races.  Stock races are unchanged.

Many more features too numerous to name here, and there is always more in development.

To get the mod, go to the official website: www.danmangames.com, Click on PRODUCTS, then MODS.  The link will be there for the download.

发表于 2011-12-22 15:14:41 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-22 16:51:02 | 显示全部楼层
IVAN·Z 发表于 2011-12-22 15:14
well。。。。木有提取码,只上传忘分享了吧。。。。我先去网站试试吧,谢谢分享 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-1-8 02:06:28 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-5-3 16:31:23 | 显示全部楼层
总是出错  有的种族选了就卡死,或用一段时间就卡死

使用道具 举报

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