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[原创] 1月11日,《反叛》官方Q&A

发表于 2012-1-17 17:44:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

http://www.rtsguru.com/game/197/ ... n-Community-QA.html


How radical will the changes to Particle Forge be, and would it be possible to detail them?

No radical changes are being made for Particle Forge, just some increases to the maximum emitter and particle count limits. It’ll still be important for modders not to go overboard, however. As we recently found out, it’s easy to go crazy and use up the entire particle system with just one effect. :P

Particle Forge(官方的特效自定义制作软件...)有没有什么根本性的变化?可以来点细节么?


What sorts of AI improvements will we be seeing?

We’re working on a number of things with the AI that spans many areas ranging from improved autocasting, to better movement code, plus making it possible for the AI to handle our new victory conditions and more. For existing players it’ll likely be more noticeable as a “sum of the parts” than many huge shifts.


我们在AI上下了很大功夫,诸如更好的寻路系统,这些可以让AI足以适应我们的新的胜利条件(有新的游戏模式了 )。相比较其他更大的变化,更明显的是AI各种功能都得到了提升(不知道是不是这意思 )。

Besides the Stardock store, where will the game be available upon release?

We haven’t made any announcements about this yet, so all I can say for now is that Rebellion will be available at both retail and direct from Stardock. We hope to announce more on this in the near future.



Will there be a better and improved mapping tool set along with a better way for sharing maps? The new way that Bethesda is doing mods with Skyrim + Steam jumps to mind.

Indeed there will! We’ll be shipping with a new version of the Galaxy Forge tool that will support some new features for map creation. We’re also working on a way to share maps, but more info on this will have to come later.


当然,这个当然有!新版本的Galaxy Forge会支持许多新功能,我们也在想办法让人们可以共享地图,不过现在没有更多的信息。

In what ways will the online multiplayer format be changed? Are we going to see something more along the lines of Battle.net such as auto-matching, rankings, and more options of that nature?
We’re still looking into multiplayer enhancements but hope to implement some form of auto-matching or player ranking system.



Will there be any new game modes in Rebellion?

Most definitely; in fact there are four new game modes (i.e., victory conditions) plus a revised Diplomatic Victory mode. The new modes include Last Flagship Standing, Last Capital Planet Standing, Research Victory and Occupation Victory. These can be toggled on/off during game setup.


这个当然了,实际上有四种新的游戏模式(纳尼??)以及一个改进的外交胜利(改成啥样了)。新模式包括“不沉的主力舰”(每人一艘主力舰顶住一波波冲上来的小飞船?这个听起来有意思 ),首星防御(肯定是防卫某个特定行星抵抗一波波冲上来的XXX了),科研胜利(这有啥意思),占领胜利(应该是占领特定行星或特殊地点什么的)

What level of modding support will the expansion have?

It’ll have as much as the previous Sins titles have had, plus support for a number of new elements. We have a number of modders who are helping us with feedback and they seem pretty happy with the potential.



Will there be changes to fleet management? I would like to be able to easily add and remove ships from a fleet & select which ship is to be the fleet leader. Basically, will there be any changes to the way fleets and ships are ordered around?

There are no plans to change this presently. It’s already possible to add/remove ships from a fleet and select a new fleet leader using the existing features and a couple keys.


没有(喂喂这个可以有啊 )。现在你就可以做到这些(言外之意是我对游戏不够熟悉吗?)

Will the role of culture be enhanced? In particular, it is supposed to be Advent's specialty, but doesn't actually provide much of an advantage at all, especially in competitive games. Players know that they can just build one or two culture structures and then forget about it.

Culture’s role is being enhanced, but not in any way that would require more player management. The Advent players will gain some new advantages to being in their culture and other players would be wise to not just let that slide.


文化的力量当然要增强(玩A的头顶青天),而且不需要更多的管理和操作(也就是说一样建个广播站,新版里文化扩散和传播能力直接加强了,或者是文化能让行星直接背叛到自己这边?),A族玩家会获得从文化上得到更大的优势,而另两个族就orz了(我就喜欢A啊 ,TEC哭去吧不动刀兵文化就能压死你)
发表于 2012-1-17 19:20:39 | 显示全部楼层
V族路过= =遇上变态随机地图的话V就是完胜...规则一点的地图的话A可以文化压制

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-1-17 21:04:17 | 显示全部楼层
文化在达到某个目标后 能直接能把被覆盖在内的敌人招安最好

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-1 13:48:12 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-1 15:08:54 | 显示全部楼层

Rebellion will be the first standalone expansion for the marvellous 4X space strategy, Sins of a Solar Empire. It’ll split the universe into two factions, loyalists and rebels. You can join one side or the other to gain access to new tech trees and alternative versions of each faction’s most powerful vessels.

The expansion will also add jumbo sized battlecraft called Titans. These monsters will be even bigger than capital ships and will be able to take on enemy fleets single-handedly. They’ll get to dissolve incoming pirate raids with new giant laser beams, prettified by a new lighting engine. See Titans and their pet lasers in action in these new screenshots.

原文链接:http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/01/3 ... -class-battleships/


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-8 14:56:25 | 显示全部楼层
roro 发表于 2012-2-1 15:08


使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-9 12:43:58 | 显示全部楼层
泰坦啊 喜欢撒 啥时候出死星级撒

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-2-10 09:19:18 | 显示全部楼层
RTCC 发表于 2012-2-8 14:56

嗯嗯 ,集中在一个里面 好看些

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-3-7 17:58:13 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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