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[补丁] 【补丁】22508d Update 2 - 66 附DLC解锁 115网盘

发表于 2012-5-26 19:49:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 xiaobu 于 2012-8-4 12:24 编辑


22508d Update 66

Patch notes:

None documented but reports of several crashes fixed.

Update 66 下载地址: 115网盘


22508c  Update 65  

Patch notes:

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a Comparative Analysis UI crash.
+ Addressed a weapon bank related crash.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed recent mission screen UI issues.
+ Fixed loophole that was allowing station construction to exceeed the
number of each type of station allowed.
+ Engrammed admirals with the Inquisitor trait no longer gain extra traits.

Update 65 下载地址: 115网盘


Patch notes:

Update 64

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed reported crash bugs in combat.
+ Abandoning a colony in the Colony Established dialog no longer causes a crash.

Other fixes:
+ AI no longer executes diplomatic actions without sufficient diplomatic points.
+ AI now builds various station types again.
+ AI no longer redesigns platforms continually.
+ Battleriders can now be targeted specifically.
+ Security slider no longer jumps to a notched position when the research slider is moved in the star map.
+ It is no longer possible to retrofit stations with pending modules.
+ Mining stations can now be built on asteroids.
+ Fixed absorber ship section effect.
+ Asteroid monitors now have Polaris missiles.
+ Ship targets in combat are no longer lost when turrets are lost or a
section is destroyed.
+ Fixed a corner case that could result in ships rolling continually in combat.
+ Meson Projector now aims at the intended target and applies damage correctly.
+ Ships turned over to a different player in combat now are now correctly removed from hotkey groups.
+ Fixed torpedo retargeting.

Other changes and additions:
+ Added Leech Driver.
+ Added population manager.
+ Added comparative analysis screen.
+ Changes to the All Stop command mean that a ship issued All Stop
will return to Normal Stance. If a ship is answering All Stop and
another stance is selected, it will start moving again.

Update 64 下载地址: 115网盘


Patch notes:

Update 61

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a battle manager crash.
+ Fixed a combat crash.
+ Fixed a Zuul slave station upgrade crash.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed Suulka beam not reaching planet.
+ Fixed launching bug with Wraith Abductors.
+ Stations no longer become constructed when construction fleets are absent.
+ Station slots are no longer shown for unsurveyed systems.
+ Fixed Reflector psi power after-image.
+ Fixed re-base loophole that was causing fleet support limits to be bypassed.
+ Node tracking techs no longer display innapropriate node line types.
+ Fixed an issue with incorrect assignment of empire colors to star systems.
+ Fixed sticky province effects.
+ Fixed an issue with certain drone types getting stuck when their targets were destroyed.
+ Fixed a rare instance that was still allowing freighters to be built in closed systems.
+ Fixed an issue that was causing the Hiver AI to stop sending gate missions.
+ Improved reflective coating ricochets now work as designed.
+ Planet lists are now refreshed when multiple colonization missions are committed in sequence.
+ Fixed the missing Fusion Enveloping Torpedo icon.
+ Destroyed ship sections in combat no longer spam turret destroyed messages.
+ Fixed audio cue spam caused by adding a favorite invoice.
+ Asteroid monitors no longer disappear from systems when research is complete.
+ Plasma Focusing now updates correctly.
+ Liir battleriders no longer cause their fleet to be affected by gravity wells.
+ Ship groups in fleet lists now display the correct icons.
+ Asteroid monitors can now be repaired.
+ Fixed an issue that was causing multiple swarm queens to focus on one star system.
+ Fixed many varied art issues fixed.

Other changes and additions:
+ Polaris missiles now retarget.
+ Defeating the VN Homeworld now causes all related encounters to be removed and awards all players in combat with a 5% increase in research.
+ Added a popup dialog when the VN Homeworld is defeated.
+ Optimization of AI adjustments to empire and colony economic sliders.
+ Stimulus-generated colonies no longer claim combat zones when added.
+ Added a fleet creation button to most fleet lists.
+ Improved AI weapon selection to address issues that were causing it to avoid beam weapons.
+ AI now makes use of more ship section types.
+ AI now builds and places some defensive assets.
+ Targeting controls in combat have changed; A single click now isolates the hull or object on a ship, and a double-click targets a specific position on the surface.
+ The fleet manager has been updated.
+ Generated fleet names are now unique.
+ Shield Breaker ballistic weapon added.

Update 62

Undocumented release, seems to be just for a combat related crash however.

Update 63

Other fixes:
+ Corrected some VN-related news events.
+ Initial designs are now consistent again.
+ Fixed some news event speech cue timings.
+ Fixed Morrigi PD weapon art issues.

Other changes and additions:
+ Design prototyping is now free on the first turn.
+ Freighters can now be moved between star systems.
+ Player-built freighters now display in empire color in the trade view.

Update 61 - 63 下载地址: 115网盘


Update 59

Critical fixes:
+ Addressed networked game stalls and crashes related to certain router and firewall hardware. The default MTU affinity has been reduced to 500 bytes.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed lag in combat when encountering Swarm Queen.
+ Fixed cases where combat UI was displaying informtation for colonies from other star systems.
+ Station Manager now only displays stations in the selected system.
+ AI difficulty settings tuned to the following levels; easy (research -25%, production -25%, revenue -25%), medium (no changes), hard (research +25%, production +25%, revenue +25%, population growth +10%)
+ Swarm hives no longer display fleet icons.

Other changes and additions:
+ Empire security slider now automatically adjusts to minimize corruption when left on notches.
+ Trade sliders set to notched values will now stick to those values, even if the maximum potential increases.
+ Strategic AI uses relocation more effectively, which helps to maintain advancing fronts.
+ Various AI optimizations.
+ Liir supply ratings have been adjusted.
+ Various ship and weapon arc tweaks.
+ Number of stations is now limited by population - one per 500M (Imperial + Civilian).
+ UI changes have been made to the stamap system tags. Dots now represent the number of colonies; rings are shown for each major station slot available, and filled in with icons for each type constructed; a numerical value is now displayed for support; and colony trap icons are displayed when appropriate.
+ Exposed additional variables for modders.
+ New Ship badges to celebrate the Canada Day / Independance Day weekend.

Update 60

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed new population growth issues.
+ Fixed a crash related to dragging fleets in the relocate mission screen.

Other fixes:
+ Favourite invoices no longer revert to Cruisers after submitting an order.
+ Spectre attacks now have a range limit in combat.
+ Trade sliders no longer override settings for other colonies.
+ Trade sliders no longer get stuck on last notch.
+ C3 and Psi research bonuses now displayed.
+ AI now includes psionic abilities in ship designs.
+ Fixed a case where drones belonging to NPC factions would not fire weapons.
+ Adjusted implosion mine health.

Other changes and additions:
+ Queued station modules are now highlighted in orange.
+ Added auto-upgrade button to the station manager. This automatically
queues a minimal number of modules to enable upgrading.
+ Station level is now displayed on the icon in lists.
+ Systems in lists now display station icons where applicable.
+ Planet manager items are now alphabetized.
+ Various racial attributes tuned.

Update 59 - 60 下载地址: 115网盘


22112b Update 58 6/26/12

This is a roll up patch which includes all updates from update 2 to the current update 58.

Patch notes:

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a multiplayer combat crash related to weapon damage.
+ Fixed multiplayer crashes related to news events.
+ Fixed a news event crash related to resuming older games.
+ Fixed a scout rider crash.
+ Fixed a crash related to the colony information display in combat.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed an issue that caused civilian population to drop after new
factions were introduced.
+ Improved trade slider notch accuracy.
+ Planet missiles now target battle ships and battle cruisers.
+ Fixed an issue where battle riders were not launching in multiplayer combat.
+ Fixed the issue where minelayer were not working in multiplayer combat.
+ Fixed overharvesting beyond available resources.
+ The grovernment graph marker no longer moves beyond the graph bounds.
+ Fixed grav boat behavior.

Other changes and additions:
+ Gate ships now deploy after the combat phase.
+ Colony stimulus now considers star systems each player already has
colonies in.
+ Fleet support range now takes all support points into consideration,
which should extend range in friendly space.
+ Eliminated players are now reflected in the diplomacy manager.

Update 2 - 58 下载地址: 115网盘


参与人数 3声望 +2 UCC +34 好评 +3 贡献 +1 收起 理由
SourSoul + 2 + 1 谢谢
月下小憩 + 2 + 1 这个是好东西!
davidhawk + 2 + 30 + 1 + 1 一次補齊...辛苦了


发表于 2012-5-26 20:08:05 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-5-26 20:21:22 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-26 20:21:40 | 显示全部楼层
memory9821 发表于 2012-5-26 20:08
我一大早兴冲冲打了47号补丁,以为界面速度快了,回合速度快了,可以好好爽一把了,结果空间站没法建造模块 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-5-26 20:27:40 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-26 20:31:58 | 显示全部楼层
memory9821 发表于 2012-5-26 20:27


你可以把反锯齿 Antialiasing 选项关闭,性能有比较大的提升。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-5-26 21:56:16 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-5-26 23:06:23 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-5-26 23:42:17 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-27 08:36:38 | 显示全部楼层
TLX099 发表于 2012-5-26 23:42


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