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本帖最后由 nolabor 于 2013-8-25 14:50 编辑
目前版本1.3,有BUG,会导致TheCrimeStory剧情无法接到,我在俄罗斯论坛提问后管理员给了我一个补丁,解压缩在t文件夹下面就可以了,不过目前1.3新任务还是俄语的,没翻译,之前的都是英语的 。
安装顺序1.1>1.2>1.1 to 1.3,不要直接安装1.3,里面的任务图标都是白灯泡,安装这个顺序安装任务图标是和原版一致的。
4.Nv赚钱依然好用,不会被采光,我在Xenon 101是好用的。
6.Jump-to-point Model,偷袭利器啊,点对点跳跃。
我的Microchips工厂方案是1艘W3.Computing machinery plant1,1艘W21.Processing plant1,6艘V3 1.Microchips shop,10艘V21 2.Quantum machine shop。其中W3停靠在Industrial complex kernel里面,W21和V31停靠在W3里面,V212停靠在W21里面。然后空间站命令Command Console>>Orders>>Slot1>>Imfomation on complex Tott,开始制造后会提示你缺少原料Silicon和电池,Xenon 535有个产量100的矿,把Industrial complex kernel和硅矿建的近些,让一艘TS去送吧,电池也不需要生产,Xenon自己的工厂生产的Xenon超级剩余,弄艘TL运几次就够你用了,这个方案是纯粹为了完成Hub任务建的,比较简单,复杂的生产自己研究去吧。
9. Ancient族的船可以抢,不可以开,抢到手后如果和你在一个星系立刻自爆,不在一个星系可以保留,关闭自我毁灭选项后不自曝。
10.发现个很有趣的事情,海盗任务完成后ARGON ONE又无敌了,而且,你作弊抢来,过段时间后,再次刷新个无敌的ARGON ONE,你要是愿意的话,可能弄无数个ARGON ONE.
gameplay>artificial life settings
1).asteroids attact
2).hide debris
3).activate "Trial by Fire"
The main plot is active on the "State Enemy" game-start only. You should fly no less, than 4 hours and have +3 with argon, boron and paranid.
"Also what does activating 'trial by fire' do? Ive activated it, but nothing happens, also this mod says it adds a race called the fallen, it doesnt as ive used cheats and they have no sectors, no ships and arnt even in the race list when all races are revealed by cheats."
"Trial by fire" appears when you complete the main TOTT plot or the "CPU: Evolution". A sector with the Fallens will appear, where you'll be able to fight them and collect some good things.
The Fallens appear in the main plot and in "CPU: Evolution".
4).Disable the self-destruction of the ships
我用的是Xenon-Invader所以Time of the Truth没做。
1. "Time of the Truth" (the main plot). You need:
- the "State's enemy" gamestart only;
- 4 hours of in-game time;
- your rep.among the argons, borons, paranids should be no less, than +3
2. "CPU: Evolution" (the main xenon plot). You need:
- the "New-build" or the "Xenon-Invader" gamestarts only;
- you rep. among the xenons should be no less, than +5
3. "CPU: Far reconnaissance". You need:
- to forward the data, which your receive in the "Evolution" plot, to the CPU. And wait for 4 hours after that.
6. The Yaki Enhancement. You need:
- to be in the sector of Quarry
- your rep.among the teladi should not exceed -2 (99% ), and among the Yaki should be no less, than +6
7. The Yaki Enhancement: Extension. You need:
- to buy the Salvage Spur sector after the Yaki Enhancement;
- the Preacher's Void sector should still belong to the paranids, the Clan sector should still belong to the Yaki.
8. Plutarch vs. NMMC. You need:
- to be in the sector of Ore Belt;
- your rep. among the argons and the teladi should not exceed +2 (98% )
9. The pirates' Vengeance. You need:
- your rep. among the pirates should be no less, than +6, and among the argons - not exceed 0 (95% );
- you should be in any pirate sector.
10."добавлен мини-квест "Земляне".
11. The "Three sectors" race mini-mission. You need:
- to be in the sector of Ceo's Doubt.
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