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[公告] r22741b

发表于 2012-8-9 14:10:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 SourSoul 于 2012-8-9 20:27 编辑


Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a potential crash in Comparative Analysis.
+ Fixed a couple UI related crashes that could crop up when starting
the game or entering the lobby.
+ Fixed known causes of Intercept- and Retreat-related post-combat crashes.
+ Fixed known mid-combat weapon related crashes.
+ Fixed a scout battle rider crash.
+ Fixed a crash caused by dissolving fleets in the Reaction Movement dialog.

Other fixes:
+ Combat network bandwidth has been stabilized. This should address
the heavy combat desyncs that have been occurring lately.
+ Fixed bad initial diplomacy states introduced by turn time optimizations in previous update.
+ Fixed known UI inconsistencies regarding Psi power activation in combat.
+ Enveloping torpedoes now do damage to dreadnoughts.  包络鱼雷(根据描述意译的   有更好的说法请提出)现在能对无畏舰造成伤害
+ Fixed node cannon network synchronization.
+ Fixed an issue where shield generators were firing torpedoes.
+ Addressed issues that were causing assault shuttles and boarding pods to become stuck.
+ Fixed Morrigi Trap network synchronization.
+ Diplomacy actions are no longer available for eliminated empires.
+ Node cannon shunting no longer applies to ships without a node drive.  节点炮返航(不知道什么意思  猜测是被节点炮打中返回的能力)不在适用于没有节点引擎的舰船
+ Fixed scientific notation display of population numbers in news events.
+ Fixed a situation where combat AI ships in standoff would flee from
players forever.
+ Fixed an issue that was causing ships in combat to be equipped with
random modules where none belong.
+ Locust drones now attack planets.  蝗虫无人机现在会攻击行星
+ Fixed a number of issues related to diplomatic options, especially treaties.

Other changes and additions:
+ Re-balanced station stats. 空间站属性平衡性调节
+ Added shield regenerator effects. 加入护盾恢复效果
+ Pirate encounters are now 2.5 minutes. 海盗劫掠现在只持续2.5分钟
+ Re-implemented Intelligence and Counter-intelligence missions. 再次生效的谍报与反谍报任务(无效过一段时间吗)
+ Added Warp Pulse button to combat.  战斗中加入翘曲脉冲(?什么玩意儿)按钮
+ Combat AI now deploys SDB assets in combat. 自动战斗现在会部署SDB(System Defence Boat 星系防御艇)
+ Modular Construction now awards a 10% bonus to trade revenue. 模块化建造为贸易收入带来10%加成
+ Science Stations now predict incoming encounters.  科研空间站现在预报随机事件
+ Doomsayers now predict the arrival of a grand menace. 末日预言者(?这又是什么玩意儿)现在会预报银河危机的到来
+ Clicking the admiral name in a fleet list now opens the admiral 点击舰队列表中的统帅名字可查看其人物信息
information dialog.
发表于 2012-8-9 19:57:21 | 显示全部楼层
这个补丁又一次大幅优化过回合速度, 现在打起来很爽啊, 100回合种田一眨眼就过去了……

AI 侵略性变高了, 很早的时候就9只巡洋满编过来找茬了。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-9 20:07:53 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-9 20:12:27 | 显示全部楼层
Science Stations now predict incoming encounters.  科研空间站现在预报随机事件


使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-9 20:14:01 | 显示全部楼层
Enveloping torpedoes 字面的意思是离子被罩住所产生的鱼雷,台湾译法应该是等离子鱼雷(借鉴等离子炮)

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-9 20:18:25 | 显示全部楼层
笑笑笑笑笑 发表于 2012-8-9 20:14
Enveloping torpedoes 字面的意思是离子被罩住所产生的鱼雷,台湾译法应该是等离子鱼雷(借鉴等离子炮) ...

这个包络是这个意思吗   那普通的鱼雷是什么样的呢   
我看描述上说对不同级别的目标伤害机理会不同  就想到这个包络是不是打击的目标广的意思


我觉得就是把能量包住的意思  发表于 2012-8-9 20:22

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-9 20:25:28 | 显示全部楼层
regular 发表于 2012-8-9 20:12
Science Stations now predict incoming encounters.  科研空间站现在预报随机事件

这个好,不过不知道具 ...



又被删了一层 帮忙恢复一下  发表于 2012-8-9 20:28

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-9 20:26:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 SourSoul 于 2012-8-9 20:31 编辑

The enveloping version of the antimatter torpedo is designed to completely surround a cruiser sized ship before reaching critical mass and imploding against every armor surface at the same time. Can be devastating vs lower armored targets. Against dreadnoughts, the effect wraps around a single section before exploding while against Leviathan the effect over stretches and does simple impact damage as if it were a normal antimatter torpedo.
我们都搞错了   是把目标包裹住    略显暴力的武器啊



怎么老是吞的你?不会是被论坛君盯上了吧?  发表于 2012-8-9 20:31

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-9 20:36:38 | 显示全部楼层
regular 发表于 2012-8-9 20:12
Science Stations now predict incoming encounters.  科研空间站现在预报随机事件

这个好,不过不知道具 ...

没感觉, 幽灵船, 幽灵什么的还是想来就来

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-9 21:10:43 | 显示全部楼层
lainr 发表于 2012-8-9 20:36
没感觉, 幽灵船, 幽灵什么的还是想来就来


使用道具 举报

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