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[讨论] 跌进深坑的高玩们,提供点配方吧,坑死啊、、、、

发表于 2013-3-10 23:22:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




发表于 2013-3-10 23:26:17 | 显示全部楼层

Known Recipes and Some Other Misc Stuff

•Adamantium Claws = Living Steel + Cyber-Connector + Nano-Wire + Adamantium Resin
•Adamantium Sword = Lighting Blade + Adamantium Resin + Bindings + Unstable Isotopes
* Message #124
•Ballistic Kit = Rifle parts + Electronic parts + Servos
•Breaching Spike = Heavy Claw + Shotgun Shell + Acid Sack
* 70 dmg to door, Message #7
•Chitin Plate Armor = Composite Cloth + Chitin + Bindings
•Cyber Scrambler = Cyber Brain + Energy Cell + Electronic Parts
•Diagnostic Chip = Logic Circuit + Cybernetic Brain
* Identifies biomods
•Door Spike = 2x Shotgun Shells + Punch Claw + Giant Mitochondria
* Breaches doors - Zogtavious
•Electronic Bypass = Electronic Parts + Cyber Brain
•Energy Pack = 4x Energy Cells + Binding
* For the Laser Rifles
•Heavy Slug Thrower = Mag Rifle + Microfurnace + Nanowire + Superconductors
•Heavy Slugs = Shell Casings + Molecular Neutronium + Element X
* For heavy ballistic weapons. - Sabin Stargem
•Improvised Lockpick = Razorteeth + Bindings + Bone Slivers
•Improvised Medkit = Bindings + Serum + Antibiotics + Bone Slivers
•Laser Rifle = Rifle Parts + Superconductors + Photonic Amplifier + Quantum Capacitors + Bindings
•Lifter Pack = Element X + Composite Cloth + Nano-Wire + Power Source
* Energy Cell confirmed to work
•Pulse Resonator = Soft Screen + Cybernetic Brain + Sonic Nodule
* Reveals traps - Zogtavious
•Rage Beam = Sonic Nodule + Hiver Brain Crystals + Bindings + Rifle Parts
* Message #63
•Razor Fists = Razorteeth + Bindings + Composite Cloth
•Rosetta Brain = Hiver Brain Crystals + Logic Circuit + Soft Screen + Energy Cell
•Sniper Rifle = Rifle + Optics + Binding
* Works with basic Bolt-Action Rifle
•Sonic Gun = Gun Parts + Sonic Nodule + Electronic Parts + Energy Cells
* Does not work using Rifle Parts + Energy Cell or Rifle Parts + Fuel Cell - Arcosian
•'Targeting Systems' = Casing Fragments + Logic circuits + Optics + Bindings
* Message #47
•X-Ray Rifle = Laser Rifle + X-Ray Transducer + Photonic Amplifier + Bindings
* Message #135
* Not sure if it's worth the upgrade tough, since it can only hold 15 ammo and isn't much better than a 25 laser rifle. - Trashman
* X-Rifle: High pen, high damage+Rad, 15 shot rifle. Uses backpack ammo - Arcosian

Needs testing
•"Base Defence Plan Gamma" = Grenade + Cyber Connectors + Sparker + "Binding Material"
* Message #49
* Failed with organic binding. Nanowire? - Arcosian
* Plan gamma does not work with nano wire either, so either a broken recipe, or not updated message, or some obscure reference to a show/novel/etc and not really a recipe - Korgan
•????? = Optics + Quantum Capacitors + Electronic Parts + Casing Fragments + ??Anchoring??
* I tried that one after I got the message originally - I think its missing something (something to do with the anchoring) - War1910

•Stale Bread = Moldy Bread
•Safe Cheese = Moldy Cheese
•Safe Meat = Raw Meat

Needs testing

Cooker/EZ Cooker
•Agressive Antibiotics = Moldy Bread + Anti-Bodies
•Anti-Venom = Serum + Poison Sac
•Cooked Meat = Raw Meat
* 50 Food
•Energy Drink = Exotic Protein + Primordial Soup + Giant Mitochondria
* 50 Food + Speed + Healing Over Time
•Fondue = 2x Safe Cheese + Bone Sliver + Stale Bread
•Fortifying sandwich = Stale Bread + Safe Meat + Safe Cheese
* 150 Food
•Hero Sotswhich = Cooked Meat + Tarka Warbread + Hiver cheese
* 250 Food
•Hum Gum = Sonic Nodule + Exotic Proteins
* Heals confusion and berserk
•Pheremone Bait = Desease extract + Scent Gland
* Message #83
* Berserk causing grenade - Arcosian
•Pungent Meat = Raw Meat + Scent Gland
* 60 Food
•Roast Beast = 3x Raw Weat + 2x Bindings
* 200 food
•Seafood Combo = Soylent Vines + Ku'sulto Lobstercake + Wuuna Seacucumber
* 180 food
•Sotswich = Tarka Warbread + Cooked Meat
* 160 Food
•Steroidal Enhancers = Vitamins + Mutagen + Exotic Protein + Scent Gland
* These muscle injectors can permanently increase might but improper use has a chance of causing brain damage. (+1 might)

Needs testing

Misc/Something funky
•????? = Acid Sac + Sonic Nodule
* Has fatal results - a trap kit, perhaps? - Sabin Stargem
* Doesn't work (not sure which station was tried on, probably cooker) - tyranny12
•High Penetration Bullets = Shotgun Shells + Molecular Neutronium
* Tested in lab, doesn't work there
* As to the Molecular Neutronium, trying it with just the Shotgun or Shell Casings hasn't worked for me so far - Sabin Stargem
•"Stink Sandwich" = Pungent meat + Chozanti Brie + Moldy Bread
* Message #111
* Nevermind, joke recipe- Chozanti Brie is not an ingredient - Arcosian
•"Disgusting Mess" = Tarkan Warbread + Exotic Proteins + Acid Sack
* Message #64
* this is a joke recipe, like the smelly sandwich! - Arcosian
•????? = Razor Fists + Chitin Exo Armour
* Razor Fists are not labeled as an Ingredient, neither is normal chitin Armour - have yet to see Chitin Exo Armour - Arcosian
* This is a joke recipe as razor fists are NOT an ingredient. - zanzibar196

•Scent gland: can be used for steroid enhancer, stink grenade, and salami (from message...no exact combinations listed, other than scent gland. Guessing that combination with serum or anti-bodies may yield steroids. Salami might be the pungent meat recipe...but I never tried salami in real life, so I am not sure.) - Sabin Stargem
•Message also mentioned that using just Shell Casings and Neutronium for High-Velocity Rounds, while using Element X would lighten the ammo. - Sabin Stargem
•I have a note from last night that superconductors are able to upgrade many gun-type weapons. It listed various rifles and pistols (uncertain if pistols are indeed included) in the semi-de-translated note. - tyranny12
•Save those photonic amplifiers people...the Pulse Laser rocks hard! - Trashman

These recipes DO NOT work
•Stale Bread + Cooked Meat
•Stale Bread + Safe Meat
•Tarka Warbread + Cooked Meat + Safe Cheese
•Tarka Warbread + Safe Meat


参与人数 1UCC +30 好评 +2 贡献 +1 收起 理由
TLX099 + 30 + 2 + 1 很有用的东西啊



使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-10 23:28:59 | 显示全部楼层
物品耐久上限只有通过那些武器MOD加,这些MOD有好有坏,是随机的。但是可以通过一种分析仪来检测其究竟是好是坏。如果捡不到分析仪,也可以用•Diagnostic Chip = Logic Circuit + Cybernetic Brain 这个配方来做一次性的鉴定工具(捡到的分析仪是可以反复充能多次使用的)。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-10 23:35:52 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-11 10:56:06 | 显示全部楼层
foxfire 发表于 2013-3-10 23:35
我见那个游戏自带的信息工具(就是经验条左上方那个象游戏机的玩意儿,显示游戏内信息的,比如敌人类型、武 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-11 14:34:38 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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