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[公告] Distant Worlds: Shadows Updated to

发表于 2013-5-31 09:46:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Full Change List for from

- fixed crash when edit planet with Warp Field Precursor tech ruins
- fixed various other crashes

- fixed problem where research progress sometimes stops
- fixed bug where owned pirate colonies would often not earn tax income
- fixed bug where recruited Cloned troops were too strong
- further fixed Build Order advisor suggestions so that the construction price is constantly updated to reflect current economic conditions
- fixed bug with colony upkeep costs, so that this is now properly calculated and displayed
- fixed bug where the ship design AI would not properly obsolete old ship and base designs if they were above the current construction size limit
- Bombard weapons are now properly added to designs when in a design template

- pirates no longer build new spaceports or other bases at a planet where they already have a spaceport
- fixed description of pirate corruption at colonies to show correct value (Colonies screen, Population tab)
- reduced reputation level increases from destroying pirates, destroying pirate spaceports is the most significant factor counting towards reputation
- now properly show extra settings in Empire Policy screen once a pirate faction builds the Criminal Network and has owned colonies
- pirates now cannot raid a colony when the same pirate faction is already invading colony (with standard troops)

- fixed Selection Panel so that it properly displays bases and ships with many fighters (200+)
- changed hotkey for taking screenshots to PrntScrn (was "/" on numeric keypad)
- auto-controlled military ships without hyperdrives now do not attempt to escort ships with hyperdrives
- added further improvements to refuelling for independent freighters and civilian pirate ships
- can no longer board and capture abandoned ships or bases (e.g. planet destroyers, debris fields, etc)

Full Change List for from

- fixed crash when start new prewarp game with very few pirates
- fixed crash when last ship in fleet is destroyed while fleet selected, and then click next fleet button
- fixed various other crashes

- fixed bug where private sector ships would sometimes stop working
- Improved bug (work in progress) where Build Order screen has zero values for ship construction amounts
- fixed bug where construction ship repairing a damaged ship at a planet would separate from damaged ship being repaired
- pirate faction manually scrapping ships and bases now properly earns looting income
- ensure money obtained as loot from raid is never negative

- fixed bug where sometimes could not build Criminal Network except via advisor suggestion
- pirate facilities are now much less likely to be destroyed in raids
- destroying pirate facilities at colonies of normal empires is now harder, as more pirate raider troops are generated to defend pirate bases at colony. Pirates also receive a combat bonus when defending their controlled colony with a Pirate Base or Fortress
- enemy raids against colonies with pirate facilities will usually only damage the facilities instead of completely destroying them
- pirate control level at colonies now does not drop below thresholds when have pirate base or fortress present (50% or 100%), even when planet population passes cap where pirate control would normally decrease
- pirate military ships do not raid own controlled colonies when control level is above 50%
- raids against controlled colonies where you have own pirate facilities will not destroy these facilities
- pirate factions will now defend against enemy raids on their controlled colonies with pirate facilities
- pirate facilities are now faster to build at controlled colonies
- colony corruption level is now higher when pirates control the colony, and especially when pirate facilities are present

- Gizurean alien race now has lower population growth from periodic race change event
- bombardment can now sometimes destroy planetary facilities
- construction ships no longer incorrectly load retrofit resource cargo when repairing damaged ships
- added message to player when foreign intelligence agent successfully sabotages construction at a base, colony or construction ship
- patrolling fleets now more likely to engage enemy targets in same system
- colony ships now always check whether colonization target is within range

Full Change List for from

- fixed crash at game startup on some PCs (ManagementObject)
- fixed another rare crash

- fixed bug where could have two smuggling missions for a colony if both manually request and then also accept advisor suggestion
- fixed problem where certain races do not start with Resupply Ship when playing as pirate
- fixed colors of pirate bonuses (Empire Summary screen) so that penalties are red and bonuses are green

- Construction Ships now also deliver initial retrofit resource cargo to bases they build, thus mining stations have retrofit resources without freighters needing to deliver them afterwards
- bases present at game startup (e.g. mining stations, etc) now have retrofit resource cargo presupplied
- now have less freighters built by private economy, especially in large empires
- now use less Carbon Fibre in components

- Mining Station list in Empire Navigation Tool now shows resources mined instead of cargo
- remapped Screenshot key to "/" key on numeric keypad (instead of "0")
- added hotkey for opening/closing Ground Report screen ("[", open bracket)
- added pirate stats to *own empire* when selected in Diplomacy screen
- now properly adjust size of Ground Report screen so that edges are not off-screen when enlarged
- altered default values for scroll and zoom speed in Game Options so that zooming and scrolling is slower and smoother

- AI is now properly sending advisor suggestion to player before sending a pirate fleet to carry out an assigned Defend mission - i.e. not overriding manual control of fleets


- Erik
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