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[公告] 关于X-重生的性能问题和建议

发表于 2013-11-17 08:55:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原文官网论坛Egosoft CEO  Bernd发的帖子:http://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=348833

We are very sorry to hear that a fairly large number of people are experiencing bad performance when running X Rebirth. I have looked through more than 150 DXDiags already and I would like to post a few conclusions. First of all the most important thing: Some of these definitely show bugs in our engine when running on specific hardware and we are working on fixing this as fast as possible.

This being said however there are also a lot of misunderstandings on what framerate is achievable with which system and graphics settings combination.

What is causing the low framerate: CPU or GPU

One thing that you will find is different with X Rebirth compared to most mainstream graphic intensive games (read shooters) nowadays, is that X Rebirth has very high requirements for your CPU. Almost all mass market mainstream titles nowadays are render bound (by the GPU). With X Rebirth this is only true in about half the situations.

Changing your graphic settings can have an effect on both the CPU as well as the GPU. If you have a very fast graphic card (see section below for top range models), then some of the graphic settings (shader quality and resolution) are not very relevant for you, because your system will always only be as fast as the CPU allows it to be.

Settings like the LOD level, the view distance and enabling the shadows on the other hand also greatly affect the CPU load. Do not get fooled by the fact that turning LOD and view distances to low may not have an effect immediately when you try it out. The LOD and viewdistance are greatly dependent on the situation in the game. It may have zero effect on the framerate in a normal zone but great effect in an asteroid field.

The game uses my integrated intel graphic card and not my nvidia card.

From: http://steamcommunity.com/app/28 ... 648811852267594887/
If you have an nvidia card, to force the nvidia card :
- nvidia configuration pannel
- 3D parameters
- software param
- add xrebirth.exe
- force nvidia processor

Mid range graphic cards (this includes high end models with an "M" for mobility at the end.):

I am seeing a lot of people with such mid range graphic cards running the game in very high resolutions and high graphic settings. On these systems it is strongly suggested to reduce those settings that affect the fillrate. Either run the game with NO AA, and shaders set to LOW or set the resolution to 720p. In addition we suggest to turn of shadows for the time being on such systems.

High end machines (e.g: Hexacore CPUs with NVidia 680 or above)

We see quite a few people with systems that we can only described as "high end". Some of these systems are not experiencing the framerates they would like to see. This however falls into two groups: Those who really see a bug in our game where the FPS is throttled for strange reasons that are being investigated and those that have stable framerate and expect more.

If your game is fast most of the time but only slow in nebulas try if turning off AA (Antialiasing) changes the performance significantly. If yes then you are render bound in nebulas. Please report to [email protected] with your specs and we will investigate.

SLI - Unfortunately we have not yet optimized the game at all for SLI systems and based on reports we hear SLI actually hurts rather then helps performance. We will investigate this ASAP but for now we suggest that you disable SLI rendering.

We will improve the performance across all systems. On high end systems like the ones described in this chapter, there is definitely most room for improvement. However X Rebirth will always remain a very CPU heavy game which can not achieve the same framerate that you may be used to from very graphic intensive first person shooters.

Technical details for the experts:

As I have explained above our engine is oftentimes CPU bound because of the massive AI simulation going on in the background. This is happening on multiple threads, but there are always two threads which mostly limit the framerate. This means the game will greatly benefit from a quadcore machine where two cores can crunch on our two main threads, one core can do the graphic driver code and the fourth one is free for the lower priority threads of our game such as pathing calculations, loading and sound. More cores will unfortunately not help much at this point in time.
发表于 2013-11-17 09:55:10 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 france005 于 2013-11-17 09:56 编辑

嗯....四颗核心以上很可惜没用么 I7-3770哭哭(4核8线程


买正版吧,更新优化了很多。  发表于 2013-11-17 10:08

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-17 09:58:21 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-17 10:25:59 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-17 10:26:36 | 显示全部楼层
我们很遗憾听到,相当多的人正在经历糟糕的表现时,运行X重生。我已经看过已经通过超过150 DXDiags的,我想发表一些结论。首先最重要的事情:这些肯定有些错误显示在特定的硬件上运行时,我们的引擎,我们正在努力解决这个尽可能快。


是什么原因造成的低帧率: CPU或GPU

相比最主流的图形密集型游戏(读射手)时下,有一件事,你会发现不同的是用X重生,重生的X为您的CPU有很高的要求。时下几乎所有的大众市场的主流标题渲染约束(由GPU ) 。用X重生,这是唯一真正在大约一半的情况。

改变您的图形设置可以有两个CPU以及GPU的影响。如果你有一个非常快的图形卡(见下文顶级的模型) ,那么一些(着色器的质量和分辨率的图形设置)是不是你非常相关的,因为你的系统将永远只能是尽可能快的CPU允许它是。



来自: http://steamcommunity.com/app/28 ... 648811852267594887 /
  - NVIDIA的配置潘内尔
  - 3D参数
  - 软件参数
  - 添加xrebirth.exe
  - 力NVIDIA处理器

中档图形卡(包括高端车型的“M ”在年底的流动性。 )

我看到很多人用这样的中档显卡运行游戏非常高的分辨率和高图形设置。在这些系统上尽量减少影响填充率那些设置。无论是运行游戏,没有AA ,着色器设置为“低”或将分辨率设置为720P 。此外,我们建议打开的阴影,在这样的系统时间。

高端的机器(如:的Hexacore CPU与NVidia的680或以上)

我们看到不少人的系统,我们只能描述为“高端” 。这些系统都没有遇到的的帧率,他们希望看到。然而,这分为两组:那些谁真正在我们的游戏中看到一个错误的FPS奇怪的原因正在调查之中扼杀那些有稳定的帧率,并希望有更多的。

如果你的游戏是最快速的时间,但只能缓慢星云尝试,如果关闭AA (抗锯齿)的性能显着改变。如果是,那么你是渲染必将在星云。请的报告[email protected]您的规格,我们将调查。

SLI - 不幸的是,我们尚未优化的游戏在所有SLI系统,并根据报告中,我们听到的SLI实际上伤害而不是有助于提高性能。我们将调查这ASAP ,但就目前而言,我们建议您停用的SLI渲染。





这是机翻吗?  发表于 2013-11-17 10:29

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-17 10:38:52 | 显示全部楼层
@zhec  一看就知道是啊!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-17 11:29:43 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-17 13:30:18 | 显示全部楼层
人家可是在Steam上预购了的! 50刀啊50刀!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-17 13:32:36 | 显示全部楼层
是么? 我的台式机是i7 3930k,算是不差的U了吧?照样很多地方就20+,显卡是gtx 670,也不算烂,这数据还是1440x900的分辨率下得出的


你就当FPS上限30如何....  发表于 2013-11-17 13:38

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-11-17 13:33:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 huntercyh 于 2013-11-17 13:53 编辑

We are very sorry to hear that a fairly large number of people are experiencing bad performance when running X Rebirth. I have looked through more than 150 DXDiags already and I would like to post a few conclusions. First of all the most important thing: Some of these definitely show bugs in our engine when running on specific hardware and we are working on fixing this as fast as possible.
听说很多玩家运行XR的时候都经历了糟糕的表现,我们对此表示非常遗憾。我已经浏览了150个以上的DX诊断日志,并想发表几个结论。最重要的一点:有些诊断日志的确揭示了我们的引擎在特定硬件配置上运行时产生的BUG ,而我们正在尽全力修正。【也就是说有些问题是因为硬件不兼容,而无关配置高低吧,后文有一段差不多也是这个意思】

This being said however there are also a lot of misunderstandings on what framerate is achievable with which system and graphics settings combination.

What is causing the low framerate: CPU or GPU什么导致了低帧数:CPU还是GPU

One thing that you will find is different with X Rebirth compared to most mainstream graphic intensive games (read shooters) nowadays, is that X Rebirth has very high requirements for your CPU. Almost all mass market mainstream titles nowadays are render bound (by the GPU). With X Rebirth this is only true in about half the situations.

Changing your graphic settings can have an effect on both the CPU as well as the GPU. If you have a very fast graphic card (see section below for top range models), then some of the graphic settings (shader quality and resolution) are not very relevant for you, because your system will always only be as fast as the CPU allows it to be.

Settings like the LOD level, the view distance and enabling the shadows on the other hand also greatly affect the CPU load. Do not get fooled by the fact that turning LOD and view distances to low may not have an effect immediately when you try it out. The LOD and viewdistance are greatly dependent on the situation in the game. It may have zero effect on the framerate in a normal zone but great effect in an asteroid field.

The game uses my integrated intel graphic card and not my nvidia card.

From: http://steamcommunity.com/app/28 ... 648811852267594887/
If you have an nvidia card, to force the nvidia card :
- nvidia configuration pannel
- 3D parameters
- software param
- add xrebirth.exe
- force nvidia processor

Mid range graphic cards (this includes high end models with an "M" for mobility at the end.):

I am seeing a lot of people with such mid range graphic cards running the game in very high resolutions and high graphic settings. On these systems it is strongly suggested to reduce those settings that affect the fillrate. Either run the game with NO AA, and shaders set to LOW or set the resolution to 720p. In addition we suggest to turn of shadows for the time being on such systems.

High end machines (e.g: Hexacore CPUs with NVidia 680 or above)
高端机看过来(像六核CPU加GTX680或者更高的)【这里说的是高端U+高端显卡,和上文中”If you have a very fast graphic card“以及中端显卡的情况都不同】

We see quite a few people with systems that we can only described as "high end". Some of these systems are not experiencing the framerates they would like to see. This however falls into two groups: Those who really see a bug in our game where the FPS is throttled for strange reasons that are being investigated and those that have stable framerate and expect more.

If your game is fast most of the time but only slow in nebulas try if turning off AA (Antialiasing) changes the performance significantly. If yes then you are render bound in nebulas. Please report to [email protected] with your specs and we will investigate.
如果你的游戏大部分时间都很流畅,但是只是在星云中变卡,试一下关掉抗锯齿有没有明显效果。如果有效,那你就是在星云中渲染绑定【看不懂,反正我觉得这种情况不正常】。请向[email protected] 报告详情,我们会进行调查。

SLI - Unfortunately we have not yet optimized the game at all for SLI systems and based on reports we hear SLI actually hurts rather then helps performance. We will investigate this ASAP but for now we suggest that you disable SLI rendering.

We will improve the performance across all systems. On high end systems like the ones described in this chapter, there is definitely most room for improvement. However X Rebirth will always remain a very CPU heavy game which can not achieve the same framerate that you may be used to from very graphic intensive first person shooters.

Technical details for the experts:

As I have explained above our engine is oftentimes CPU bound because of the massive AI simulation going on in the background. This is happening on multiple threads, but there are always two threads which mostly limit the framerate. This means the game will greatly benefit from a quadcore machine where two cores can crunch on our two main threads, one core can do the graphic driver code and the fourth one is free for the lower priority threads of our game such as pathing calculations, loading and sound. More cores will unfortunately not help much at this point in time.

就像我已经在上面解释的那样,我们的游戏引擎总是很吃CPU的,因为后台进行着大量的AI模拟。这发生在多个线程,但总有两个线程是最影响帧数的。这意味着游戏会极大受益于四核机器【我觉得应该说的是INTEL I5以上的真四核,而不是I3那种假四核,或者AMD推土机那种一个模块分出两个核的假八核】,两个核心死磕两个主要线程,一个核心做图形驱动代码,第四个做低优先级的杂活,像是路径计算,载入和声音。目前很不幸,更多的核心没太大帮助。【当初DEMO里不是说多线程优化了么?打算用双路E5玩XR的何在?



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