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发表于 2009-6-5 23:36:02
本帖最后由 joey 于 2009-6-5 23:45 编辑
http://www.thexuniverse.com/foru ... amp;highlight=cmod3
Summary: 概要
极大的提高了重型炮塔的旋转速度,武器对Hull的伤害大量降低,盾被打光不代表game over,你有足够时间jump
Heavy weapon turrets turn rate greatly increased, no more mouse thrashing to turn 10 degrees left, etc etc.
Hull damage reduced overall, shield loss is not Game Over. Hull lasts long enough to jumpdrive.
Shield damage adjusted, longer battles, weapons fit specific roles, less insta-kill I.S./O.O.S.
Overall rate of fire decreased, bullet velocity increased, Enemies are more dangerous because of this.
Capship heavy weapons damage readjusted, Capship battles last minutes, not seconds.
Weapon types all have advantages and defined roles. Heavier not necessarily better.
IRE damage increased, take down M3 in an M5 without struggling with energy lvls - if you have the talent.
Weapon energy requirements lessened, capable of longer sustained fire, persuing ships will rarely break away.
Range of most weapons increased significantly.
Plasma Burst Generator damage scaled to balanced levels.
Mass driver, slower fire rate, more damage to reduce ammo burning.
Missiles are very effective, high speed or countermeasures are essential to avoid most missiles.
Shield rates Improved, Regenerate quickly enough to recover in combat with evasive maneuvers.
Weapon conversions (most significant changes)
Weapon conversion: Teladi Gauss Cannon now hyper velocity long range anti-capship weapon with particle trail.
Weapon conversion: Ion shard railgun now hyper velovity anti fighter weapon
Weapon conversion: Frag. Bomb launcher now very short range flak weapon, low fire rate very high damage, effective on rear turrets.
Weapon conversion: Ion pulse generator, shield breaker weapon with immobilizing ability. Effective against corvettes + Frigates
Weapon conversion: Ion Cannon, now beam weapon with ability to immobilize ships, strip shields and weapons energy. efftctive for captures.
Performance: 性能
One of the first things I did here was look at why TC sometimes runs like 3 legged dog during combat, there are many lag inducing effects that need to be addressed and I'm not happy, I know people worked hard on the development of TC but this is a major oversight. A 3 year old game engine should not require a next gen system to run smoothly. That said, this is my *only* complaint with TC, the game itself is pure gold and improves on pretty much everything else.
By the time beta is ready I'll have hopefully sorted most - if not all - lag issues. Starting with ion disruptors and shockwave effects, will be moving through the weapons one by one until I'm happy, this pretty much has to happen first and foremost before anything else.
All weapon spam reduced significantly.
Performance Issues with PSG, HEPT ION and PAC effects addressed.
Damage over time effect removed from some weapons, effect was not noticable in most cases yet consumed memory and cpu time.
Laggy, Noisy Flak Effect removed from most weapons except flak arrays, frag bombs and Starburst weapon.
Graphics/Visual changes: 图像效果
Lots of eye candy, mainly focused around weapons and the Hud. The main purpose is to address dull, faded colors and dark icons while taking care not to dazzle the player with too bright bright and clashing colors. The Military Hud is making a reappearance, styled almost seamlessly to the new X3:TC interface. All your old favorite features from the original are there as of writing. Added vibrant laser colors already and making visual changes to other weapons already.
PPC projectiles are gold again and everything looks better in general.
Plugin - Game Difficulty Settings 调整游戏难度的plugin
In the original X3:reunion you had a choice when starting between normal and extreme starts, although they made little difference to difficulty apart from the quality of your starting ship and initial bank balance. Cmod brings real difficulty settings to Terran conflict, namely Hard and Extreme modes, they add extra hostiles to your game to challenge you. More information of these plugins can be found below.
XTM particle Effects
When I started this mod I was very interested in bringing a limited number of the XTM particle effects across. This was partly due to my initial lack of experience and knowledge with making new particle effects of my own, but mostly because the XTM team did such a bleedin' good job with certain effects I couldn't see where to improve upon them. So, courtesy of the XTM team and with their permission I've imported a couple for use with Cmod3.
The particle effects I chose to import from XTM and use were
1: The PPC Impact Explosions,
2: The Heavy Missile Gun particle trail and
3: The Khaak gamma Muzzle flash.
Sounds: 音效
每个武器都有独特的开火音效。另外大量其他音效元素,新增了40个sound fx
In vanilla X3TC, having the same generic (and weak sounding) firing fx for every weapon was a disappointment, Cmod3 uses many new sound effects to make each weapon sound unique, distinctive and satisfying to fire.
> Most TC weapons now have their own signature firing fx.
> Many changes to the other sounds including new interface sounds, ambient sounds, and non combat fx.
> In total, more than 40 new sound fx have been added. |