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[求助] 谁知道AzzPiloteIAIII怎么用?

发表于 2009-7-17 14:17:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
如题!   我去官网查过了,没找到有关AzzPiloteIAIII的贴子,谁懂怎么用的指导一下![S::loveliness:]
发表于 2009-7-30 15:19:19 | 显示全部楼层
彩色命名先選general > Rename this ship > 打名字 > 選色
剛上傳了一個Pilote AI 3.7 的 詳細說明,希望有用吧,不過是英文的

關於PiloteAI 最高能升到幾level,本在仍在努力中,至今小弟座騎上的AI 已達 156level..
LX 速度由  30 level 時的 200m/s 升至 65 level 會 加到 206 m/s,65level 以上到 156level 就再沒升過..不過已很滿意了....

關於 gameplay > artificial life settings 選項的建議
player's ship owned can get AI bonus               Yes
player's ship cannot get AI bonus                      No
NPC's AI and AI pilots can eject                          No
(由於NPC's 的AI 一彈出就會send message給你,做成很大的滋擾,而且彈出來的AI 通常level 過低又賣不了多少錢,所以不如不選還比較好)
player's ship owned combat skill begins at one  No
player's ship can earn extra bouties                   Yes
player's ship can train an AI above level 5          Yes   
Univeral trader Mk3 and station trader can use Pilote AI Ranking      Yes
(這個開了都不知怎用,偶試過買了個24level的AI 放進一個剛裝上Trade command mk3 的 TS 內試着行UT,不過沒能成功..)

在additional ship command 選 AI extension 就可以實現以下功能
也可以通過General > AI Global setup / Management
AI extension:
Start Launch of AI extension of all ships
關於General > AI Global setup / Management
General settings - AI - extensions
ON  SAM      
(SAM functionality
According to its level and ship equipment, AI might be able to manage missile threat as follows: ECM From level 18 and above, AI is able to infiltrate missile software and might force them to self destruct. AI ship must have a triplex scanner, special command software MK1 and ecliptic projector as well as 50 e-cells units in the cargo bay. Fighter Drones to be used against missiles: From level 13 and above, AI is able to use fighter drones aboard against enemy missiles. Mosquito missiles usage: From level 5, AI will use mosquito missiles. From level 10 and above, AI will be able to launch 2 at once. Dodging missiles From level 8 and above, AI will attempt to dodge enemy missiles. The greater the AI level, the better the chances to succeed. This is only available for fighters.)
個人覺得用這個,還不如用bonus package內的ECM,直接幫飛機裝上蚊子飛彈,在addition ship commands內選weapon system : missile defence mosquito 來得方便

ON Demage
(Management of damages
AI can decide to repair in Ship Yard if its ship is damaged. If it is a fighter, the AI will leave the squadron and fly to SY for repair. Then, it will join back the squadron. If the ship is a M6 class or above, the squadron will continue to protect the ship until full repair. This process will only begin if the ship is not fighting or under attack. The greater the AI level, the larger is the range to reach a SY, with a minimum of 4 sectors.
 The reaction of the pilot depends on its rank (to see annex ' Level abilities summary ')
 A ship which leaves the battlefield for repair will not react any more to attacks, its only purpose is to put itself under cover.
 If the ship have a homebase (a carrier) he will join first and foremost his base.)
就是說如果船隻受了傷,ai 會幫它決定是否需要去船廠修理...如果是戰機,它會自己離開隊伍去船廠修理,完事後會自己回到隊伍中.如果是M6或以上的戰艦,在不是戰鬥或受到攻擊的情況下,隊伍中的其他船隻會保護它到船廠維修...如果AI 的級別越高,受傷船隻可以到達更遠星區的船廠修理,以最少4個星區作為起點.受傷船隻所作出的決定取決於AI的等級.決定了去維修的船隻不會向攻擊自身的船隻作出反應...如果船隻修理好了,它會優先選擇回到自己已設定了的基地

OFF Shields
(Shielding management
(should be at list at Officer level 08)
TS: If shielding is below 15%, TS will be able to jump somewhere else in the sector to escape. Other ships: If shielding is below 50%, AI will use e-cells to restore shielding capacity.)
這個的用處在於容許你的船通過消耗電池來快速回盾,EN 消耗的很誇張,所以建議在Global Setting就裡選
OFF, 不然你會發現你的M3小編隊為何明明補足了電池為何有些不跳呢,這是因為之前打仗將所有EN都用了回盾)
這個可以是ON的,不過用法是這樣(Global Setting 那裡仍然是OFF的):
在控制台Control > interface 那裡先設置 AI : Communication with PiloteAI 熱鍵 (小弟設置為 "P")
然後你編隊內要有一首 TL 內有15level或 以上AI,而且要設成Tanker(方法選了TL,用communication with piloteAi , 選 On Tanker),那就算你的戰機用完電池,TL在跳躍時都會先幫你所屬部隊的戰機補了電池先,確保所有的隊中的成員都能成功跳躍...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-8-5 17:37:02 | 显示全部楼层
PiloteAI简要使用说明.pdf 298KB PiloteAI简要使用说明(lilitu)
http://coolook.ys168.com/  找这个下载

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