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发表于 2009-7-27 11:18:36
本帖最后由 christo 于 2009-7-27 11:19 编辑
ON Demage
(Management of damages
AI can decide to repair in Ship Yard if its ship is damaged. If it is a fighter, the AI will leave the squadron and fly to SY for repair. Then, it will join back the squadron. If the ship is a M6 class or above, the squadron will continue to protect the ship until full repair. This process will only begin if the ship is not fighting or under attack. The greater the AI level, the larger is the range to reach a SY, with a minimum of 4 sectors.
The reaction of the pilot depends on its rank (to see annex ' Level abilities summary ')
A ship which leaves the battlefield for repair will not react any more to attacks, its only purpose is to put itself under cover.
If the ship have a homebase (a carrier) he will join first and foremost his base.)
就是說如果船隻受了傷,ai 會幫它決定是否需要去船廠修理...如果是戰機,它會自己離開隊伍去船廠修理,完事後會自己回到隊伍中.如果是M6或以上的戰艦,在不是戰鬥或受到攻擊的情況下,隊伍中的其他船隻會保護它到船廠維修...如果AI 的級別越高,受傷船隻可以到達更遠星區的船廠修理,以最少4個星區作為起點.受傷船隻所作出的決定取決於AI的等級.決定了去維修的船隻不會向攻擊自身的船隻作出反應...如果船隻修理好了,它會優先選擇回到自己已設定了的基地 |