Fleet commanders in X have a difficult task in coordinating their many fighter squadrons.
The group management system provides assistance in controlling large fighter groups. Now
it is possible to command a fighter group to quickly attack and also retreat with the carrier.
When a ship is reverse engineered in the headquarters a blueprint for mass production is created.
This process involves teams of engineers painstakingly removing, analyzing, documenting and
storing the ship components. The drawback of this operation is that the resources that were used
to manufacture the ship cannot be recycled. However, engineers can instead opt to strip the ship
solely for these resources. This process is of course faster but will not result in the creation of a
production blue print.
Many freighter pilots have reported the strange disappearance of their freight. Intelligence reports
from underground sources suggest a "shield hacker" device has been covertly developed by pirates.
However, no exemplars have been recovered for examination. Any pilot gaining possession of such
a device should immediately contact the Argon authorities. Keep your eyes peeled!
The Bonus Package version 3.1.06 is now available for download in the download section.