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[求助] 哪位大哥能把所有的SOFT的用途说明下啊~~菜鸟不懂啊~~~

发表于 2007-8-15 17:58:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2007-8-15 19:57:18 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-15 23:03:31 | 显示全部楼层
Afterburner mk1
Afterburner mk2
Cargo bay extension
Cargo Lifesupport System
Data Storage Device
Dock computer
Duplex Scanner
Ecliptic projector
Explorer Software
Fleet Support Ship Software
Feight scanner
Mineral scanner
Motion analysis relay system
Ore collector
SETA boost extension
Singularity Engine Time Accelerator
Software Signature Scrambler
Spacefly Collector
System Override Software
Trade system extension
Transporter Device
Triplex Scanner

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-15 23:41:21 | 显示全部楼层
Cargo bay extension是增大货仓容量;
Cargo Lifesupport System装了以后飞船就能抓弃船的宇航员了,然后当奴隶卖掉;
Data Storage Device没见过;
Dock computer可以使飞船在距目标空间站5公里内瞬间停靠;
Duplex Scanner双倍雷达,Triplex Scanner三倍雷达,星区地图上可视范围加倍和三倍;
Ecliptic projector使用后会把黄道平面映射出来,在能见度低的星区有点用;
Explorer Software使自己的其他飞船(非座驾)能帮你探索宇宙,出现飞过星门和探索星区两个命令,如果飞船上雇了驾驶员,其飞过星门后会自动探索星区(自动探索有一定范围,手动要自己设定探索范围);
Fleet Support Ship Software没用过,记得好象有一个可以让飞船自动放卫星的功能);
Feight scanner可以扫描4公里以内目标飞船,没有许可证扫描会引起敌意,但有一定机率发现隐藏海盗;
Mineral scanner扫描小行星的含矿量;
Ore collector自然是矿石采集器(我怎么记得这是暗星一号里的装备,X3里有吗,不是用炮打碎了直接就能采集了吗)
Motion analysis relay system没见过,SETA boost extension和Singularity Engine Time Accelerator有一个是时间加速器,另一个是提高加速性能的?
Software Signature ScramblerSystem Override Software可以使你不用跳出飞船就能CLAIM无主飞船,不过它是个非法软件,要用Software Signature ScramblerSystem 来隐藏;
Trade system extension可以使你能够遥控贸易;
Spacefly Collector主你可以采集SPACEFLY,可以卖也可是当Afterburner的燃料用。
Transporter Device可以使你在5公里范围内将装备货物或软件或自己传送到其它自己的飞船中。

[ 本帖最后由 topfly 于 2007-8-15 23:43 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-16 00:35:52 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 powergame 于 2007-8-15 23:03 发表


Afterburner mk1        加力推进器 mk1
Afterburner mk2        加力推进器 mk2

The MK1 Afterburner: 允许小船(M6(含)以下)在激活后快速飞行
The MK1 Afterburner allows your smaller ships to travel at faster speeds while it's enganged, it requires energy cells to keep it running
The Mk2 Afterburner: 允许M1M2TL在在激活后快速飞行
The MK2 Afterburner allows your capital class ship to travel at faster speeds while it's enganged, it requires energy cells to keep it running


1. 助推器的使用

2. 设定热键

3. 助推器燃料
MK1 Afterburner:
如果是用SPACEFLY的话一个就可以启动,而且在飞行过程由它提供能量支持,不再需要任何额外燃料补充(可怜的SPACEFLY 。。不过小心警察临检)

MK2 Afterburner:
*如果燃料用完的,它会使用你船的护盾能量来支持飞行(就是说如果船的护盾恢复速度够快的话就可以一直用下去了?不过启动还是个问题 。。)

4. 其他注意点
* 如果你离一个空间站距离过近的话,助推器是启动不了的
* 助推器启动后自动驾驶将激活,然后船会一直直线飞行直到达到最高速度
* 助推器在激活一定时间后会自动关闭,你可以重新启动它,当然启动的能源要求如上面所述

Cargo bay extension        货舱扩充
Your cargo bay will be extended by a certain amount of cargo units using sub space compression technology. This extension will be more expensive every time you use it because of the increasing complexity of the used technology.

Cargo Lifesupport System        货舱生命支持系统
This life-support system allows you to transport living creatures, passengers and even slaves in your cargo bay.

Data Storage Device        数据存储设备
This is a data storage device. It can store audio and video data.

Dock computer        停靠计算机
This device enables ships to lock on to and decode a space station's guidance beacon. The beacon transmits signals to the ship's docking computer to adjust speed and direction needed to aid the automatic docking process.

Duplex Scanner        双重扫描器
Triplex Scanner        三重扫描器
Research and development of the Gravidar technology has resulted in the Duplex Scanner, which increases the scanners range by a factor of 2. This enables targets to be acquired at much greater range.
The Triplex scanner increases the Gravidar scanner range by a factor of 3. The technology used detects greater variations in the gravitational anomalies that are generated by stations.This information is then processed and fed directly to both the sector map and the Gravidar display.

Ecliptic projector        黄道投影器

The Ecliptic Projector helps the pilot to navigate inside the system. It projects the ecliptic plane into the pilot's view.

Explorer Software        探索软件
介绍: Explorer Software是由Teladi科学家发明的,用它探索星系就不再需要大量带着众多宇航员去冒险了。这一软件的发明,使得科学家们可以在他们安全的实验室中,探索遥远而危险的未知星系。

Fly Through gate...
- 让你的飞船从你指定的某个Gate飞过去,和fly to sector命令不同的是, 这可以让你从通向未探索星系的Gate里穿过。
Explore Sector...
- 命令你的飞船围绕某个星系飞行,从而发现Gate,空间站,asteroids(当然要在飞船扫描仪范围内的)
- 使用这个命令时,先选择一个中心点,再设置最大半径,并且设定 "ecliptic variance".(就象黄道和赤道有一个夹角,而不在一个平面上,所以叫黄道不一致)
- 这能用来发现新的星系或寻找难找的Gate。
Scan Asteroids
- 命令你的飞船扫描某个星系中的asteroids。
- 选择第一个asteroids扫描, 然后设定asteroids的最大扫描数量。  

注释: 在使用Explore Sector的时候,如果没有ecliptic variance,那探索的只是二维的空间, 就只是黄道平面。 " ecliptic variance" 则允许第三维度的随机浮动,这样扫描的区域范围会大些。“ecliptic variance”通常设定范围是在0和10之间.
如果执行探索的飞船有一位飞行员(就是飞行员的名字不是你自己),那Fly Through gate命令稍微有点不同。当它已经飞过Gate后,它将会立刻执行探索该星系的任务,并自动设定以该星系中心为圆心,半径40Km的范围探索。

The Explorer software was designed by Teladi deep space researchers to enable remote ships to be used to enter and explore potentially hostile sectors without risking a pilots life. Manned research vessels usually follow after the sector has proved to be safe.

Fleet Support Ship Software        补给舰软件

这个是安装Fleet Support Ship software 后才有的,我没用过,你具体看脚本说明吧

The Fleet Support Ship software was developed by Xai Corporation to help manage the equipping and resupply of large fleets of ships. It's collection of simple, yet powerfull commands have proved versatile and adept at many tasks.

The Fleet Support Ship Software is a software upgrade that provides 4 commands that allow ships to perform a support role to your fleet of ships, be they fighters, freighters or capital class ships. The software is available, for a reasonable price, from Argon and Boron Equipment Docks.
The commands provided are powerful tools that can be used in a multitude of fashions, yet are simple to use. They are however, designed with particular purposes in mind and as such are limited to the classes of ships they work with. Currently, the Fleet Support Ship Software works with M5, M4 and small freighter class ships.
Some of the commands require the Transporter Device for proper functioning. It is for this reason the software upgrade can also be purchased at the Goner Temple, along with the Transporter Device. The purchase of a Jumpdrive is also recomended. The software will make use of it for longer journeys if it is installed and enough energy is available.

Command: Resupply ship:
This command requires a Transporter Device

This command is for delivering specific quantities of wares and upgrades to a target ship. The ship will look for the best place to buy the wares locally, purchase the correct quantity and deliver it to the target ship. If the quantity is greater than the capacity of its cargobay it will make several journeys to buy the wares and deliver them to the target ship.
Typical uses of this command include resupplying a ship with Energy Cells for their Jumpdrive, delivering a replacement for an upgrade that got destroyed in battle, delivering weapons and shields to a newly bough Carrier or Destroyer.
Note that the Resupply commands can only check the prices for wares if you have property in the same sector as the station selling the wares. If the resupply commands cannot check for the best prices in the surrounding sectors then they will default to the nearest supply.

Command: Resupply group:
This command requires a Transporter Device

This command is similar to the Resupply ship command but can resupply every ship in the fleet or convoy with the same quantity of the ware.
An important difference to note with this command over the Resupply ship command is that when it resupplies a ship it first checks to see how much the target is carrying and deducts that from the amount to be transfered to that ship. The result being that the quantity specified for this command is the amount the target ships will end up with, even if they were carrying some to begin with. For the Resupply ship command the quantity specified is the actual amount transfered.
This difference is to allow a fleet to be rearmed and resupplied after a battle where the different ships are likely to have used differing amounts of missiles and ammunition. You can of course use this command on a single ship if you wish to make use of this feature when delivering to lone ships.
Note that the Resupply commands can only check the prices for wares if you have property in the same sector as the station selling the wares. If the resupply commands cannot check for the best prices in the surrounding sectors then they will default to the nearest supply.

Command: Drop Freight:
This command has a number of different functions depending on what it is exactly you ask it to drop. For most wares it will simply fly to the position and eject all of that ware from its cargobay. You'll find it floating in a canister near the ship, and can be picked up by any ship using the standard collect ware command.

Dropping Satellites
If you select a Navigation Satellite or Advanced Navigation Satellite to be dropped then this command will go into Satellite Network Mainenance mode. It will fly to the position specified and deply the satellite, then it will randomly pick a neighbouring sector to fly to and, if there isn't already one there, place a satellite in that sector as well. If the ship runs out of satellites then it will attempt to buy more and continue. The satellites are always placed in the same position, the position you specified, in each sector. The command avoids placing more than one satellite in the same place in each sector. You can, however, place more than one satellite in the same sector as long as they are more than 20km apart. Using 2 ships to drop satellites in different places in sectors can be a good idea in certain parts of the Universe.
The type of satellite bought is dependant on the type selected when starting of the command. If you selected an Advanced Satellite to start the command then all satellites dropped will be Advanced Satellites, and the ship will only attempt to buy advanced satellites.
If you wish to limit the satellite deployment to a specific races sector you can adjust the Friend/Foe settings for the ship. It will only go into sectors that are owned by friendly races. It will not enter or deploy satellites in sectors owned by races marked as enemy. So to prevent satellites being placed in Pirate sectors all you have to do is to set Pirates to enemy in the ship's Friend/Foe settings.
There is one time when you may find your satellite deployment ship in enemy sectors. This is when it's enroute to buy more satellites and the direct route to the station selling them takes the ship through enemy space. This is the same problem that UT's suffer from and is caused by the standard navigation libraries that all ships make use of.

Dropping Squash Mines
If you select a Squash Mine to be dropped, the commands will enter Create Minefield mode. In this mode the ship will place 8 Squash mines within 2km² of the target position. If the ship doesn't have enough Squash Mines it will attempt to purchase them first.
Once the Squash Mines have been placed the ship will contact you and ask you to activate the mine field. At this point you can run the command again until you have mined the desired area, or you can activate the mine field by comm'ing one of the mines and selecting "activate all mines".

Dropping Lasertowers
If you select a Lasertower to be dropped, the ship will deploy the Lasertower at the specified coordinates.

Command: Retrieve Deployed Item:
This command is for collecting items such as Lasertowers, Navigation Relay Satellites, Drones, and Squash mines, which are deployed rather than dropped. Simply select the item you wish to collect and the ship will collect it.
If there are several similar items within 10km of the target item you select, then the ship will attempt to collect all of them. This allows you to quickly and simply collect a group of Fighter Drones, or dismantle a Squash Minefield. Don't forget to deactivate the minefield first!

A TS with a large cargobay, equiped with FSUP, Jumpdrive, and Transporter Device makes an excellent fuel tanker for refueling your fleet. Using the Manual Trade Command's "Best Buy" command to fill up on Energy Cells beforehand is often a good idea.
Discoverer's make excellent Satellite network deploying ships. They are fast and can carry satellites which are M sized.

Feight scanner        飞船扫描器
Pilots whose spaceships are equipped with a freight scanner can see exactly what is inside other ships they scan. Oftentimes this scanner is abused by pirates before they attack and rob peaceful pilots.

Mineral scanner        矿产扫描器
The mineral scanner is an important add-on for every pilot who plans to exploit asteroids for mining. Mounted to a spaceship it adds valuable information to the scan results of Asteroids.

Motion analysis relay system        运动分析系统
Known as the MARS device this piece of technology allows the autopilot to target and lock on to the moving target.
The movements of the target are computed and relayed to the autopilot, which then matches speed and direction to that of the target. Very important for combat situations.

Ore collector        采矿石器
After Ore has been broken up by a mobile drilling system, the smaller rocks can be brought into the cargo bay using this new device. It works by targeting the smaller rocks with a low powered gravity beam, bringing the ore into the bay ready to be sold.

SETA boost extension        时光加速机提速器

Singularity Engine Time Accelerator        时光加速机
This product is based on the phenomenon of time and space anomaly observed in the presence of singularity. The SETA is an attachment to the ship's normal operational engine, which can, when activated, compress time up to ten fold. Due to the constrains of the space warp it is not possible to alter one's course and velocity due to time compression and the device will be deactivated as soon as any interference to the ship's controls are detected.
The invention was clearly made to shorten travel across fast distances. No known side effects exist but they can not be ruled out.

Software Signature Scrambler        软件干扰系统
The Software Signature Scrambler is a small device that, once connected to the ship computer systems, manipulates the program code of the System Override Software in such a way that its routines can no longer be detected by Police scans. The device also uses the same multi-phasic sublayer code-encryption to shield itself from detection.

Spacefly Collector        spacefly收集器
Although illegal, Spacefly collecting has become the highly paid good in the universe. These small creatures are captured by a high resonance wave of the device, attracting them inside of hold.These spaceflies are then sold to anyone who will take them, automatically making a profit. This activity is illegal but within pirate communities it has become a way of life.

System Override Software        系统破解软件
Systems Override Software, while outlawed throughout the known sectors, is available only through clandestine pirate factions. Operating as a device that directly interfaces with and overwrites the unique ownership ID data of the target ship, once initiated, all security systems will be reset, allowing you full on-board access.

Trade system extension        贸易延伸系统

Using the trading system extension a pilot can request detailed price information for all goods without actually docking to a factory or space station. This can be very useful for frequent traders.

Transporter Device        转运设备
可以使你在5公里范围内将 装备/货物/软件或你自己传送到其它自己的飞船中.
The transporter device is a development based on the remains of the jump drive first introduced with the Xperimental ship and reverse engineered by the best scientists of all races. Using this device you can get from one ship into another ship within a range of 5km without using your spacesuit.

注意,有单独的Transporter Device脚本,所带的这个软件用途和默认是不一样的,具体见下:
- 通过命令远程传送装置软件可以激活船上的传送装置(Transporter Device)。
- 装备了transporter device的船可以在Additional Ship Commands中获得新的命令。这个命令可以船之间在5KM范围内交换货物,同时无须打断该船现有正在执行的命令。
- 这个脚本使用的命令队列允许将物品从一艘船无须经过”再物质化“直接传送到另一艘。这就意味着来源和目标可以是两艘完全无关的船(只要在装备了这个软件的船5KM以内,都可以完成传送),不象标准的transporter device只能通过装备了transporter device的船才能传送。

- 如果其中任何一艘船不在装备了该软件船只5KM范围以内的话,该软件将无法作用。如果要求传送的货物数量大于可用的,或者可以被装入目标船的剩余空间中,软件会自动调节为一个可能数量并完成传送。在数量上输入负数将被当成正数处理,并且不会影响传送方向。

与标准Transporter Device的主要区别是你无法传送一些船只升级配件比如跳跃引擎和矿物收集器等,因为船只的命令系统需要这些配件保持激活状态来完成操作。正常情况下Transporter Device是独立于船只的命令系统的。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-16 18:12:08 | 显示全部楼层
我是2.0的,没装任何脚本,因为装不了,不知道是怎么回事,安装时出现个框,名字是"No directories"内容是"There are currently no valid directories to install to"不知道那里出问题了...........

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-17 12:53:21 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-17 16:59:24 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-17 22:14:51 | 显示全部楼层
Navigation Command Software MK1

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-17 22:32:49 | 显示全部楼层
Navigation Command Software MK1好象是增加一些飞船的普通命令的吧

使用道具 举报

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